NR- Period

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Nat's Pov

Today is the day where everyone is afraid of Y/n. It the time of the the month. Nobody bothers her or else it may be the last time you see. I was at the store picking up ice cream, movies and other stuff. I quickly got to the compound. The compound was dead silent. You may hear a pin drop. Anyway I carried to bag to my girl friends room. I entered but she wasn't there so I quickly went to my room. Sure enough she was there. She was sitting on the bed covered in blankets. 

Hey love, I said quietly.

She made grabby hands. Even tough I don't like her feeling the pain of periods I love this time because she is always so clingy to me.  I went over to her and picked her up. She is quite short. I'm 5 feet and 7 inches. She's 4 feet and 9 inches, so quite a difference. I tried to put her down so I could grab a the ice cream and movies but she wouldn't let go of me.

Love, can you let go of me, I'm trying to get the bags, then we can cuddle.

She pouted but let go. I put on the movie and grabbed the ice cream. 

She was still pouting at me so I opened my arms and she quickly came over to me. I kissed her forehead while she curled into my body. Half way through the movie she started whimpering in pain. 

Love, go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up I said.

She shook her head.

I promise.

She looked at me with the cutest puppy eyes and slowly nodded . I grabbed a heating pad and placed it on her stomach. She pulled me into her. I just started at her. She was the cutest person alive. I paused the movie until she fell asleep. Once she fell asleep I continued watching the movie. I occasionally got distracted by Y/N who was sleeping peacefully. 

Once she woke up she whined a little more. Did I forget to mention when she's in pain of in a mood she dose not talk, she only nods or shakes her head. 

Hey love, go take a shower okay.

She looked like she was going to cry. Her eyes got big and they were glossy. Her lip started to tremble. As I expected tears started to fall.

Why are you crying love?

She just broke more. I picked her up and took her to the bathroom. I started running the water. I undressed her and I undressed my self. I picked her up and took her in the shower. She wouldn't let go of me so I washed her hair and her body.

After we cuddled up, we did this until the time was over. 


Word count- 484

Hope you enjoy, stay safe and peace out!

Natasha/ Scarlett One shotWhere stories live. Discover now