Fireworks - Sj

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Idea from- @Scarlettishot

Thanks for the idea!!

Y/n Pov

I have been friends with Mark growing up and we have always been close. As he grew older he became really famous especially for the Avengers movies. I got to meet the whole cast. At the end of the month we have gotten really close. I have especially gotten close with Scarlett. I had a huge crush on her but I doubt she had one on me. I loved her as much as I love her daughter Rose.

Today was July 4th and every year we head to the big hill behind the beach where we would have a picnic and watch the fireworks. This is Roses first time. She was too young to come so she would stay with her dad while Scarlet joined us but she's 3 so she's going to be fine I guess.

When we got to the hill the cast lined up the blankets while I grabbed the food from the car and Scarlett carried Rose on her hip. When we got to the top of the hill we all grabbed a seat. The cast knew about my crush so they tried to get me to ask her out. They said she liked me but I wasn't too sure. I had a plan and the crew knew so hopefully everything would go smoothly.

My seat was next to Scarlett as the other seats were filled. Scarlett grabbed a slice of pizza for Rose and grabbed a salad for herself. Rose sat on her lap while munching away quickly. I just ate a few pieces of strawberries.

A few minutes later I knew the fire works were going to start so I asked if I could talk to her privately. She left Rose with Elizabeth while she walked to me. The crew were all giving me thumbs up but I blushed and quickly looked down.

We both silently looked walked until we found a perfect spot where we could talk and watch the cast. I looked at her as the sun set and her eyes shined.

What do you need to talk to me about? she said

Um- Well, I... I r-, Then I was cut off by the fireworks starting.

As soon as the first Boom went Rose started crying. Scarlett quickly ran over to her and picked her up. The team looked at me and then back at the sky.

Scarlett walked away from the crew with Rose on her hip so she wouldn't disturb them. I walked over to her to see her comforting Rose.

Scarlett couldn't calm her down so I stuck out my arms. Scarlett let me hold her. I whispered something to Rose and she stopped crying. I told her that the shining colors and the noises were fairies as they flew through the sky.

I know it's bad but it's the first thing that came up. She stopped crying but still wanted to be held.

While Rose giggled at the fireworks Scarlett turned to me.

So.. what did you want to tell me? She asked

I-I really like you. I said

Well it's a good thing I like you back. She said.

Rose had a huge smile and so did I. We shared a quick kiss. We moved higher up the hill and we sat at the top. Scarlett sat beside me while Rose sat on my lap.

After the fireworks the crew head down while Scarlett and Rose sat there. We stayed there until Rose fell asleep. When she did we made the way down the hill. I opened the door for Scarlett and she placed Rose in her seat. I drove them to her house.

Bye Scarlett, I said as I dropped her off.

Bye Rose,

Bye Y/n she said and kissed me on my lips.
Bye Mama, Rose mumbled half asleep.

Scarlett gasped while tears filled in my eyes.


Word count - 671
Thanks for reading and thanks for the idea. Hope you enjoy.
Peace out!!

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