NR- New recruit

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Natasha's Pov

Today was a lazy Sunday. We were all sitting in the living room watching the tv, when it suddenly turned off. We were about to complain but we turned around and saw Nick and a girl was beside her. She looked 19, I'm 23. Anyway that's not the point.

Who is she? Tony will asked.

She is the new Avenger. Nick said.

Introduce your self. Nick said.

Hey, I'm Grace Miller, I'm 20 and I can shape shift and I have super speed.

Cool, welcome to the team, Bucky said.

Anyway, Natasha can take you to your room, Tony said.

I was about to protest but she beat me too it.

Okay, thanks.

I took her to the room that was infant of me. 

Thanks she said and gave me a smile. 

Het smile was everything. When she smiled a dimple showed. Her eyes were shinning like diamonds. I was out of my thoughts, when I heard Friday speak.

Ms.Romanoff and Ms.Miller there will be a party at 8. Do not be late, I repeat do not be late. See you soon.

I left Grace to do her own things. It was currently 4 so I was going to work on some assignments I had to do before. I did file which included my thoughts on Grace. I could probably write a whole essay but I just decided to write, she was nice and sweet. 

-----------------------------------Time skip---------------------------------------------------

It was 7 so I decided to get ready. I put a tight black dress and I curled my long red hair. I add a bit of lip stick and that was it. I went to the living room and they were all sitting down waiting for me. Grace had a tight blue dress. She had pink lip stick on. We decided to play truth or dare.

Grace truth or dare.


Who do you like out of all of us? Tony asked.

I like Natasha, she said and a blush formed on her cheeks.

All the boys were staring at me.

What can I say, I got a charm. Now close those mouths before you catch flies in them.

They quickly closed their mouths and they were all looking embarrassed. 

After our intense game of truth or dare I was about to go to bed until I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door and Grace was standing there with tears in her eyes. 

Whats wrong hun. I asked. 

She said nothing and just fell into me. I quickly picked her up bridal style and I brought her too my bed. We said nothing. She was calming down and I could only hear hiccups. 

Hun, what's wrong, I asked her.

I-I, r-red r-room.

You were in the r-red room too.

She slowly nodded.

I knew what she felt. It took me years to get over mine. She probably is just struggling with them. I remembered I use to cry and Fury took me in. He was like a father figure. I guess I had to help her get through those memories too. 

Whats your actual name, I know Grace isn't your names.

I-It's Y/ n l/n

S-Sun shine. I said.

Y/N used to be younger then me. I would always protect her. She was my best friend and then we became lovers but I left. I was 9 and I was taking care of her. I came back and helped her escape but one night when I was 15 and she was 12 they took her. I was looking for her again. I never stopped looking for her. 


Sun Shine it's me.

She through herself on top of me and hugged me as tears fell from both our faces. 

Why didn't you come back for me? 

I was looking for you. They took you away and I joined Shield. I hacked their files to find you but I never did. I never gave up hope. I knew I was going to find you. I did it Sun shine were together. Now, what happened to our promise?

I would always love you. Y/N gave me a kiss and I gave her another one. I noticed she was falling asleep but she was scared. 

Y/N go to sleep. I'm going to be here. I won't let anything happen to you okay love.

Okay, you promise.

I promise love, now go to sleep.

I love you Nat.

I love you too my sun shine.

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