SJ- the coffee girl

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Scarlett Pov

I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes. I was going to sleep in but I guess nature had different plans. I turned to my right and I saw my beautiful girlfriend, Y/n L/n. She had long black wavy hair. Her eyes were sea green. I loved her. She was currently in my arms and her head was on my chest. I remember that day I met her and things escalated from there. From the coffee girl to friends to best friends to my girlfriend. 

Flash back

It was going to be a very busy day today. I was going to go to my local coffee shop. I entered the coffee shop and I was just about to order but I accediantly bumped into another girl.

"S-sorry she said."

"It's okay, here let me help you." I gave her my hand and she took it. 

"Shit- I-i'm sorry I didn't mean to spill coffee all over you. "

"Hey, relax, your good. I bumped into you. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

N-No I'm sorry, are you okay. She looked up at me and her eyes widened in fear. 

"Your Scarlett Johansson, I'm very sorry."

"Hey, I told you, it was my fault. "

"I-I'm sorry I have to go."

"Hey can I have your phone number, I want to make it up to you."

"S-Sure, she wrote the number on my hand. "

"By the way what's your name?"

"Y/N, Y/N L/N"

When I got to work I really wasn't paying attention. My acting skills were horrific. I was practically day dreaming about the girl. She was so beautiful. I was still day dreaming until I felt someone poke me.

Hey, what's up?

Why are you day dreaming? You always pay attention? Do you like someone?

Lizze, I-I, I-its complicated.

Tell me about it, I'm here.

Fine, I them proceeded to tell Lizzie all about the coffee girl. 

I went back home after a long day of work. I was going to go get some pizza until I saw a person sitting on the edge of the bridge. I quickly got out the car and I hugged the person from behind so she wouldn't fight and thrown her self. When I got her away from the edge we made eye contact. It was the beautiful girl from the coffee shop.

"What are you doing here?"


"Please tell me you weren't about to jump, I told her."



"I was just thinking about it, I wasn't going to do it."

"Okay lets get you home?"

"N-No! I can't go home."


Flash back

Y/N Pov

I just bumped into Scarlett Johansson. Can you believe that? Me either. I ran back home but as I was gonna enter I remembered today was the day I was going to tell my parents that I'm Bi. I'm Bisexual. 

I entered my old house and I found my parents in the living room. 

"So, "

They stopped what they were doing," so"

"Uh -I-I'm B-Bisexual."


"Your a disgrace, leave this house immediately"

They pushed me out the door and I left. 

End of Flash back. 

"Thats why I'm here. I'm homeless."

"Come on your coming with me"

"A-Are you sure"

A Couple months later

Scarlett Pov

I have finally found the courage to ask Y/N to go on a date with me. We had a good friendship, she lived with me and we always flirted or talked about random shit. When she went to work I would check her phone and go to Pinterest. She had a section called D. As I checked that board I realized that is how she wants her date to be like. When she got home I told her to wait in the kitchen. 

"So, "she said

"Um - IreallylikeyousocanItakeyouonadate? "I said very quickly.

"What was that" she said as a smirk spread around her face.

I really like you, so can I take you on a date.

She cupped my face and kissed me. Her lips were so soft and her lips tasted like strawberries. 

"Does that answer your question" she said.

Date night tomorrow. Wear something comfy.


The next day, I took her to the beach. We had dinner and then we watched the sun set.

_------------------------A couple of dates later------------------------------------------_

Today I took her to a waterfall. When we got to the top of waterfall.



"You were my best friend. We dated. I fell for you. I love you, so will you be my girl friend."

"She kissed me and said yes"

End of Flash back.

----------------------------Present time-------------------------------------------

I looked down and I saw my girlfriend rub her eyes. She looked up at me and kissed me. She cuddled closer to me. 

"I love you" she said.

"I love you too hun"

I saw her pout. She doesn't like it when I call her hun because she called me that first so I have to come up with a new nickname. 

"Fine, I love you too babygirl"

I leaned down and kissed her.

We had breakfast and then we watched movies all day and ate snacks. Y/N was so beautiful and she was MY babygirl. 

___-------------------A/N Author notes--------------------------------___

(883 words)

(Hey I hope you like it. I will take requests. Thanks for reading.Stay safe)

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