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"Wake up sleeping beauty." Jaime said getting me out of the car."How long was I asleep?" I ask trying to stand."Not long just a few minutes." Mike said grabbing my bags."Yeah you looked like a little kitten!" Tony said messing my hair up."Okay now stop it lets get some food and put my things away." I say walking into the big house."okay child come on we'll show you to your room." Vic said leading us all to my room. Mike sat my stuff on my bed and went to my attached bathroom."Mike what are you doing?" Jaime said knocking on the door."I have to piss fuck off!" Mike said walking out."Okay I don't know who peed in your cheerios but you're being an ass in front of your new daughter you got today I know you're hungover so you need to start being more responsible." Vic said putting his hand on his hip and his face turning red."Vic calm down he was just playing I've seen worse." I say giving Vic a hug,"Now lets unpack my shit." I grab my bags and put all my cloths in my closet then I ran into my bathroom and and put everything away in a certain spot."Mike you peed on the seat you little nasty!" I say making him clean it up."Hey we should have tacos and salad cause the turtle doesn't eat meat." Jaime said running around in my room."Okay let me just put some sheets on my bed." I say putting a pastel blue sheet on my bed than threw a pillow with a p.t.v pillow case on the bed. Mike picks me up and puts me over his shoulder as we head to the kitchen then he sat me on the counter top. I hop down and look  through there fridge."So beef or chicken, hard or soft, and lettuce or spinach?" I ask looking around."Um chicken,soft,and lettuce for the salad." Vic said so we got every thing we need and started to cook. Me and Tony made the salad while the others tried to make the tacos."Stop hey I don't want tomato's in my tacos." Vic said pouting."Just make your own tacos so everyone can get what they want." I say and everyone agrees. At dinner they all start asking me questions."Why are you in the foster home place and how old were you when you were sent there?" Tony asked starting with most serious one."Well I was ten when I was sent there because I never knew my dad and my mom and her boyfriend would beat me but one time I left my window open in my room and the neighbors herd what was happening and called the police so now I dream about it every night and it's awful." I say avoiding eye contact because of sympathetic stares."Well that's enough questions for tonight Scar go take a shower and go to sleep we have a big day tomorrow." Mike said and with that I walked up the stairs to my room. As soon as I closed the door  I played A trophy father's trophy son and started to cry. As I take my shower I trace the scars on my arm and look for something sharp but fail. I dry off and put on a sleeveless shirt and a pair of sweat pants and then someone knocks on my door."Scar can I come in?" Mike said coming in."I like how you wait for a response." I say crawling into bed."I just wanted to check on you since I could here what you were playing and it looks like you've been crying." He says and then looks at my arms."The last time I saw my dad I was four and he was crazy drunk and I know you just saw my scars and I was in a rough place in my life bu I'm better now." I say getting pulled into Mike for a hug."You promise?" He asked looking into my eyes."I promise." I say giving him a real smile and slowly drifting to sleep.

Mike Fuentes adopted meWhere stories live. Discover now