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"Jersey just got colder and I'll have you know I'm scared to death that everything that you had said to me was just a lie until you left." I sung to myself climbing out of my bunk. Jamie was sitting on our couch eating popcorn."Good morning beautiful." He said standing up to greet me."Hey Jamie does my dad know you're here?" I asked."Yeah his outside smoking right now." He said I nodded my head in response."Let watch some cartoons!" He said grabbing my waist and pining me to the couch. I giggled and tried to say okay."You're so adorable." He said letting me cuddle with him. We watched TV for about an hour then the rest of the guys woke up."Jamie and Scarlet sitting in a tree F.U.C.K.I.N.G!" Jaime and Tony sung at the same time."Stop it now god I hate you two." I say as my face turned bright red."Aw they were cuddling." Vic said coming in behind Mike."No one else thinks it's weird that he's in his fucking twentys." Mike said rolling his eyes."Not really." They replied at the same time."Well I'm gonna go." I say getting up and changing. Skinny jeans and a black veil brides shirt. I walked off the bus to bvbs. Ashly let me on and I sat on the couch to wait for Lace. Andy and Lace came stumbling up from the back of the bus."Oh my god you two were fucking." Ashley wiggling his eyebrows at them. Andy proudly nodded as Lace buried her head into his chest."Can I get away from sex just for one day!" I said dramatically."What are you talking about?" Lace asked."Well I met this guy named Jamie and..." I was about to continue when Lace cut me off."Is he miw and fir merch guy?" She asked."Yes..." I said she started get get scared."I don't think it's a good idea for you to hang out with him." She said I could tell she was really scared."Why?" I asked so she pulled my outside so no one could here us talk. She pulled out a cigarette and handed me one. We lit up about half way through she finally spoke."He's my ex." She said starting to shake."The first year of our relationship was amazing he made me happy and was extremely sweet but then things started to get bad he would beat and rape me." She spoke calm and clear."Why didn't you leave?" I asked."Because he munipulated me into believing that he loved me one day he got me pregnant but she died because of him he moved to Mexico and I thought I'd never see him agian but now he's back." She said I was now afraid of what he could do to me I was smaller than her and due to the fact that I don't eat made me alot weaker too."I'm sorry I didn't know do you think he would hurt me if I told him that I didn't want to hang out with him anymore?" I asked we both took long drags on our cigarettes and she nodded yes."But as long as you have someone with you, until we find a way to kick him out, it will be fine." She said. I don't know why but I believed her we walked back. Andy and Mike were waiting for us back at the buses."I don't want you seeing Jamie anymore I've put some thought into it and he's twenty one and I don't trust him we've talked and he said he would back off." Mike said I ran into him giving him a hug."Thank you so much I'll stay away from him." I say hoping Mike knew why I was so happy."I'm guessing that's what you two talked about." Andy said kissing Lace."Yeah." That's all lace could say before Andy was towering over her in full make out zone."Oh my eyes I'm blind!" I scream as CC comes out to say the same thing. That night I told Mike I didn't fell good so he let me stay in bus."Chris is going to stay with you since they play last then Angela will be here cause we all have signings but she volunteered to stay." Mike said then they left. I was listening to creatures when Chis walked in."Hey." I said he half way smiled and sat next to me. He smiled once he herd what I was listening to."I'm gonna take a shower." I whisper getting up and walking off. I plaid brake the cycle out loud the songs only got better as they changed. I got out of the shower and put a hoddie and some shorts on."Chris can I do your make up for tonight?" I asked he said yes so I got out all my makeup. First was his pale face thing that he does. He did his own eyebrows then I did black eyeliner and eyeshadow."I'm going to sweat this off on stage just so you know." He said so I put setting powder on him."There." I said and he got up to see my work."Great job." He said and I mentality high fived myself. Once Chis left Angela came on the bus. I went to my bunk and tried to avoid her."Look bitch I'm leaving someone else is going to look after you" She said then left. A few minutes later Jamie was on the bus. He went straight to my bunk. I could tell he had been drinking. To say I was scared was an understatement. He ripped open my curtin and draged me from the bed. I hit the floor with a thud he grabbed a hand full of hair and draged me to the back of the bus."Ow that hurts Jamie!" I yelled."Shut up." He said slapping me in the face. He took off both our pants off and placed a hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream. He forced himself on top of me kissing my neck. All I could do was cry I was so scared."I know you want this you whore." He said tearing off my bra soon my sweatshirt was off and my bear chest was exposed to him. One of his fingers entered me then another. Some how I fought him off of me and I ran off the bus in only a pair of panties."HELP." I screamed as he ran after me. Thankfully our busses were parked at the venue and security was everywhere. One of them tackled Jaime as the other covered me in a jacket. They questioned me and Jamie for a while but the eventuality arrested him for rape. I saw Mike run out of the venue and right to me."What happened?" Even though he already knew."I don't want to talk about it." I said I felt dirty and scared."What did he do to you?" He asked as tears fell from both our eyes."Too much." I said I knew I should have went on vacation with Felix and Kat but I wanted to stay with the guys. Mike picked me up and carries me to the bus."Go put some cloths on then come straight back." Mike said so I did as I was told. A pair of Vics sweat pants and one of my hoodies. I looked in a mirror and felt sick. My head dropped as I went outside to see everyone waiting for me."I want her gone!" Chris yells pointing at Angela."It wasn't her fault she had one of her friends watch me but the girl left I don't her name cause I was trying to sleep." I say so no one was mad at anyone."Are you sure?" Mike asked and I said yes. I knew I was lieing but I couldn't take her calling me anything else."I swear if he was here right now I would kill him slowly and painfully." Andy said as Lace grabbed his arm."I'm going to bed." I managed to choke out. Lace ran after me to see if I was okay."I know you're not fine and I'm not going to ask what happened because I don't want you to relive that." She said and I broke down. She held me and didn't let go until I was done crying and just shaking. I wanted to go to sleep and never wake up."I'm gonna get Ricky is that okay?" She asked moving the hair from my face. I nodded yes and she went off the bus. Soon Ricky came to me with a look of sympathy."Don't look at me like that." I said and he dropped his head."Sorry." He said almost walking away."Wait it's okay I'm sorry." I said and he gave me a hug. I finally fell asleep in his arms safely.

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