A day with Andy and Snake

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Dream- "No one wants you!" A voice yells but I'm not sure where from."Even your father left you you're worthless and who would ever love a girl with hidious scars on her arms and legs because I don't and no one ever will if you killed yourself tonight no one would come to your funeral!" I look up to see my mom and her boyfriend standing in front of me while they look at my new cuts all over my body."I know I'm sorry." I whisper letting the tears fall."Don't cry now you made yourself do this so here take all these you're going to them you worthless piece of shit!" She said giving me razors and pencil sharpeners...
"Scar wake up what's wrong." Mike says coming into my room."Nothing just a bad dream." I say trying to make him leave but it didn't work."You cried so hard you were shaking something harsh happened in that dream and I want to know." He said coming and sitting next to me."Well when I was younger like nine my mom and her boyfriend found out I was cutting myself and so she told me that no one would ever love me then gave me more razors so I had a dream of that night." I say tolding back every tear that wanted to escape. Mike slowly came forward and and gave me a hug. Not one of those I feel sorry for you so I'm going to give you a little hug but a real everything is okay now so don't cry hugs. I wish it cold never end but surely it did."I think Andy and Snake want to hang out with you today so get dressed." He said then left my room. I sent Andy a message telling him I was getting in the shower and I need him and Snake to come and pick out my outfit. A few minutes later I got a knock on the bathroom door."Who is it?" I yell."Snake and Andy." They both said. Snake brought me a thong and my bra while I dried off. Andy picked out a pair of batman legings a batman shirt and and batman converses."I'm going to ware a purple head band and purple jewelry." I say putting on everything. We all walk out and go down stairs. As we get down there I see Mike giving Blade the if you hurt my daughter I'll rip your balls off and feed them to your dog speech."Father he hasn't even asked me out yet calm down." I say running down to give Blade a hug. I saw everyone glaring at him even Jaime."What happened?" I ask cause everyone seemed mad at him."Nothing they're just very protective and that's not a bad thing." Blade said grabbing my waist then Vic clered his throat so we stepped away."Um Andy I don't think your shirt is very appropriate also where are you guys going and when will you be back please be careful and don't get hurt don't take candy from strangers..." Mike rambled on."Calm down daddy we'll be fine what you need is a joint and a bottle of whisky." I say trying to calm him down."You know what yeah I do you guys have fun while I try not to go crazy." He says as we leave."I'm guessing he has some separation anxity with you leaving today." Andy says then laughed."Yeah we got pretty close last week after the party and Kat has been kinda distent lately so we really got close and we say I love you now and we mean it." I say getting in the back of the black Cadillac."I knew that Kat wasn't good for him." Snake tried to whisper to herself."It's nor that she's going though a lot and won't talk about it she's super nice and I really like her." I say as the car leaves the drive way. We go to a huge laser tag place."Laser tag that's the best you two came up with?" I ask getting out."Yep now come here." Snake said pulling me over to the other side of the car while the boys when in."look Blade really likes you he wouldn't shut up about you when we picked him up and I can tell you like him too so I'm going to need details after today." She said I started to blush was it really that easy to tell I liked him. Snake fixed my makeup and we went in. Blade wanted me on his team so we were aginst Andy and Snake. The room we had to go into turned black and we all started to glow. We all split up and waited for the game to start. Once it did I got a clear shot of Andy and took it."Fuck that mother fucker got me." He said then I ran away trying nor to laugh. I ran past what I thought was a hole but someone grabbed me and pulled me in."I've been waiting to do this." Whispered kissing me. My fave went hot as I kissed back. Before I knew what was happening Andy and Snake shot us. The blush got deeper when they realized what we were doing. After a few more rounds the game was over."We totally kicked your asses!" I yelled jumping on Blades back."Sure you did right after you had a make out session with Blade." Andy said and the blush came back."By the way will you go out with me?" Blade asked and Snake gasped."Yes." I said kissing his head."Wait sp you two weren't dating when you kissed." Snake said trying to put the pieces together."No we weren't but that doesn't matter because we are now so can we eat it's getting late." Blade said putting me down so we could get in the car."How about olive garden." I say so we go. Blade grabbed my hand and I kissed his knuckles making him blush. After diner they dropped me off and Blade walked me to the door. I almost walked in but he grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss."Good night." He said then left. When I walked in Tony and Jaime pulled me to my room."Turtle Himes what's up." I say trying to act like I didn't just kiss someone one the steps."All details now." Tony said locking my door."What do you mean?" I ask acting innocent."Cut the shit we know you kissed Blade out there so spill." Jaime said crossing his arms and we all sat on my bed."Well while we played laser tag Blade kisses me then we started going out then we ate dinner and when I was dropped off he walked me to the house and he kissed me again." I say smiling very big and so did Tony and Jaime."Does Mike know?" Tony asked."No but I'll tell him in the morning." I say then we made a blanket fort and watched movies till we fell asleep.

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