Suprise party

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Today is Felix's birthday and I want him to have the best party anyone has ever seen. He's my little brother and my best friend and he completely deserves to have a good party."Scar I know it's only Friday but you can have today off to help us plan for Felix's party we need to know his favorite bands and his favorite colors." Mike said pulling me out of thought."Okay I'm gonna go check on him." I say then walk into Felix's room."I love you too thank you I guess I'll see you sometime today." Felix said then hung his phone up."Who was that?" I asked and he turned around face bright red."Um... my... Um... boyfriend." He said smiling."Oh Jordan?" I asked trying to remember if that was his name. Felix nodded and his blush went away."We should wear our matching shirts today." He said pulling out his sweat shirt that said wild one."Okay I'm gonna change." I say then walk to my room. I got out my sweat shirt that says mild one. I put the shirt on and a pair of huff socks. I found a pair of half and half pants and put them on. I walked out of my room and back into Felix's."How do you like my hair?" He asked running out of his bathroom. He cut it and dyed it black."I love it now let's go get some breakfast." I said and we ran down stairs."How many time do I have to tell you two don't run in the house." Vic said stoping us."I'm sorry uncle Vic." I say and he shook his head."Okay whatever keep going." He said moving out of our way."There is only one muffin left and it's mine." Felix said running for it. I jumped on him and we fell to the floor. We wrestled until Tony walked in."Scarlet Felix stop fighting the ovens on!" He yelled frantically."Scar why are you fighting?" Mike asked."I wasn't we were playfully wrestling over the last muffin." I say getting up off the floor."I'm making more right now that's why the ovens on." Tony said."Oh okay." I say picking Felix up. Tony came over and took him from me. I reached my hands up at Mike like a baby so he picked me up. I rapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck tightly."Why are you being so clingy?" He asked."I've been having bad dreams agian." I whispered laying my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back."You guys know your kids know how to stand and walk right?" Vic asked."No we don't." Felix said giggling. Once the muffins were done everyone came into the kitchen to eat."So far this has been the best birthday ever and I just want to think you guys for that." Felix said biting into a muffin. After breakfast me and Felix went to take our medications."Do you want to play twenty questions?" Felix asked so we went to my room to play."You can go first." I say pulling out two bean bag chairs. "Okay who is your favorite mamber from black veil brides?" He asked."CC, now what are your top five favorite bands not including ptv." I ask."Black veil brides, of mice and men, miss may I, a day to remember, and sleeping with sirens, what is your favorite food." He asked as I wrote down the band's he liked."Hot wings, your favorite colors." I said."Blue and orange." He said and after the game was over Ash was here."Happy birthday little man." He said pulling out another bean bag chair."Thank you Ashton." Felix said smiling. I sent Mike a text telling him everything I learned from 20 questions. He replied back telling me to take him out and he'll call when we need to come back.
Felix pov
"Hey we should go some where I'm bored just sitting here." Scar said jumping up."Okay let's go." I said and we pulled Ash up to leave."I want to go to the mall." I said so we went. When we got there some girl with way to much makeup on came up to Scar."Hey Scarlet did you miss me?" She asked getting way to close."No one misses you plaese go the fuck away Cindy." She said and the girl stormed away."She kinda reminds me of the inside of a sweet potato." I say thinking out loud."YES! That's what she looks like!" Scar shouted laughing. After wondering for a bit Ash bought us Starbucks."Come on bubby let's go to forever 21!" Scar said and I could never say no to her."Okay let's go." I say and Ash puts Scar on his back. While in that store a guy and a girl came up to Scar."Hey Scar I haven't seen you in for ever my dad and Allen miss you." He says."I miss them too, Felix this is Blade, Blade this is Felix." She said introducing me to him."Hey kiddo." He said so I smiled slightly."Well me and Jade have to go goodbye." Blade said walking off with the girl who I guess is Jade. After a while of shopping Scar got a call and Mike told her to come home. All the lights were off when we went in so I turned them on."SUPRISE FELIX!" People shouted jumping up from there hiding spots. Black veil brides, of mice and men, a day to remember, sleeping with sirens, and miss may I were all standing in front of me and right next to me was Jordan."I'll be back in a second." Scar said running to her room. The decorations were blue and orange. I ran to Tony jumping in his arms."Thank you so much daddy I love you this is the best birthday I've ever had." I say shaking from excitement. Scar came back with huge box wrapped in blue and orange paper."Are we doing presents now or after we eat?" She asked."After we eat I'm starving." I said so she put the box on the table. We had pizza and Tony baked two cakes."Is it present time now?" CC asked."Yep it is." I say so he gets up and grabs his."Mine first." He says so I open it. He got me a six pack of monster. Next was Andy and Snakes gift. A batman shirt and a nightmare before Christmas hoodie."Batman's the best." Andy said as I took the shirt out."I like superman but thank you." I say and his eyes get big."What batman is the fucking best!" He said. I got lots of cloths and music and last was Scars gift. The box was filled with cds from almost every band I liked and at the bottom was two shirts."Really one direction and 5sos I'm never going to wear these." I say and Scar hugs me."I know." She giggled. This is the best day of my life.

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