just hanging out

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Scars pov
Ash gided me through the door and we left Levi and a Matty came over."Matty!" I yell and tackle him in a hug."How have you been I've been meant to call you a few days ago but I didn't get around to it I'm so sorry." He said."I've been good and I want to think you for all you did for me on that day." I say and he hugs me tighter."I love you and I pray for you every day." He says."I love you too Matty, we have to go Ash owes me a m milkshake since I cut and dyed his hair." I say and we walk away. When we get there we is down and he orders us a strawberry milkshake."So do you want to go somewhere and do something?" I ask trying to make conversation."Do you like aquariums?" He asked."They are one of my favorite places on earth." I say excitedly I haven't been to an aquarium in so long."Good." He said but before we left Mike sent me a text.
Mr. redeyes: are you and Ash good what are you two doing.
Me: just hanging out we're fine.
We leave and go straight to the aquarium. Once we get there Ash paid for us and led me to the first tank. As so as I saw the fish I ran up to the tank and looked in amazement. I couldn't help but smile and jump a little. I ran back to Ash and gave him a hug."Thank you so much." I say and he hugs me gently."You're welcome, now go look at the fish little one." He said so I ran to the next tank."Excuse me but you're way to old to be here my daughter is trying to go to some fish and you and your awful scars are very distracting." A man said in an angry voice."I- I'm sorry." I say as tears fill my eyes. The little girl looked up and and made me kneel to level."I'm so sorry you're beautiful and you're scars only and to your beauty." She said."You're beautiful too and very smart how old are you." I say giving her a hug."I'm ten just really short." She she said the walked away."Scarlet are you okay?" Ash asked holding me."I'm fine you have to have to learn to ignore ignorance." I say and we walk through the rest of the aquarium."Are you hungry it's almost diner time now." Ashton asks as we walk back to warped tour."Yeah I think it's Tonys or my dads night to cook." I say. When we get back Mike was turning on the grill."Scar I need you and Jaime to go to the store and get the things on this list and only the things on this list." Mike said as Jaime came out with the list."Okay daddy we'll be back in a few." I say then walk away leaving Ash behind. Every few feet I would look back at Ash and Jaime would laugh at me."Let go get you some water you seem pretty thirsty." Jaime said giggling. I pushed him to the ground and ran off without him."Hey slow down you don't even know the car we're taking!" He shouted catching up with me. When we go to the car I jumped in and plugged in my phone. The first song that started to play was the divine zero so Jaime started to to bang his head and play air bass."If you take your hands off the wheel one more time I'm changing the song." I say so he puts hands back on the wheel and sang along. We finally make it to Walmart and when I get out I fall and twist my ankle."Fuck, Jaime I need help I can't get up." I say so Jaime picks me up and carries me in. He sat me in the front of the cart like a baby."Jaime my ankle hurts really bad." I say with tears in my eyes."Okay after this I'll take you to the hospital." He said and we kept going. After getting everything on the list I begged to get hair dye."Sure but don't let your dad know we got anything extra." He said and picked out the color of dye then paid for the stuff and we left. On the way to the hospital he called Mike to let him know what had happened. We met Vic Mike and Tony at the hospital. Vic carried me in then sat me in Tony's lap while Jaime and Mike signed me in. The doctor finally came and got me twenty minutes later."What seems to be the problem?" He asked as I was laid on the bed."I fell and twisted my ankle." I explain."Okay well lets get some X-rays." The doctor said the nurse brought me a wheelchair and took me to the X-ray room. Once the X-rays were done they wheeled me back to the room I was in. The doctor returned to tell me that broke my ankle and wanted to ask me a few questions."First do you want everyone in here when I ask you these questions?" He asked and I nodded yes."Okay first when was the last time you cut?" He asked."A few weeks ago my mom tried to get a hold of me so I stopped eating and talking then it felt like my world had fallen apart so I relapsed." I say looking down."Do you still feel this way?" He asks."I you're asking if I will relapse or kill myself there is always that possibility I've never had counselling and I am still depressed." I say I can tell he understands what I have so he takes Mike out of the room to talk to him."Okay Scarlet you have a choice you can ether go home and be under 24-7 watch or you can stay here for three days and go through intensive therapy it's your choice." The doctor said."I want to go home." I say the doctor nods and hands two slips of paper to Mike."Let's get you a cast then you can leave." The doctor said then went to a cabinet and opened it up."What color?" He asked I chose blue so he he put cloth around my ankle first then put on the cast. The doctor walked out and came out with some crutches he fit them to my hight then we left. I was so tired on the way I fell alseep."Jaime get her crutches I'll grab this little angle." Mike whispered picking me up."I have the bags though." Jai.e whined."Be quiet you're going to wake her up." Mike said then Vic says he will grab them."Daddy I'm hungry." I mumble opening my eyes."Okay princess I'll start cooking in a minute." He said then carried me inside and sat me on the couch. Tony came in with my medication and put it in the very top part of a cabinet."Tony will you please get me a drink?" I ask so he turns around and hands me a warm water."Can I please have something cold?" I ask trying not to sound rude."Beggars can't be chosers." He says then walks off."Remember that." I yell as Jaime walks in."Remember what?" He asks."Tonys being a butt." I say then he notice that I had a warm drink so he took it from me and got me a cold juice."Thank you Jaime you're much nicer than Tony." I yell the last part so Tony can hear. When Jaime leaves to go back outside I realize I'm starving."Tony where are you?" I ask hoping he was not in the bathroom."I'm in the bathroom." He yelled back."Shit." I whisper to myself. I stand on one foot and hop to the counter all I want is a bag of chip but when I try to get one they all fall. I try to pick them up but I fall and and can't get up. I'm useless I can't even take care of myself now. I start to cry as Tony comes out of the bathroom."Aw are you okay?" He asked genuinely conserned."Yeah I just lost my pride I'm looking for it now." I say wiping away my tears."Come here." He said picking me up and sitting me on the couch with a bay of chips. The he picks up the rest of the bags and sits on the couch with me. Dinner was cheese burgers and a veggie tray for Tony. I had to be carried to bed be Mike and he took my phone so I couldn't sat on it all night."Good night princess." He said kissing my forehead."Good night daddy." I say and drift off to sleep.

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