Felix the great

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Scars pov
I woke up early with the thought of waking Felix up. I tip toed to the room in front of mine and quietly opened the door. Being quiet wasn't hard the doors never creaked and floor is carpet but when I looked up Felix was already awake. His bed was made neatly and he sat criss crossed in the floor reading a book."What are you reading?" I asked trying to see the cover."Paper towns." He said closing it."Are you finished?" I asked picking it up."Yeah I just did." He said proudly."It was a good book you want to see if your dad will the us to see the movie." I said reading the back to remember the plot."Yes yes OMG yes let's go." He said dragging me out of his room and down the stairs."Hey kiddos how'd you sleep?" Vic asked. We both gave him a thumbs up and kept running."Dad dad dad! Can we please go see paper town today please?" Felix begged. I stood there looking up at Tony hands folded and lower lip out."Fine but not until tonight now both of you medicine and breakfast." He said so we got out are meds and took them."Yogurt?" I asked Felix but all he did was shrug. Tony had left so I sat the yogurt on the bar and got two spoons."We can share the yogurt but you're going to eat first." I said so he nodded. I hugged him from the side and he took a bite and then another. Felix ate half of the yogurt then put his spoon down."You did amazing I'm so proud of you all I want is for you to be healthy and happy." I said and hugged him tighter."Thank you so much I love you Scar." He said as tears fell down his face."I love you too Felix." I said wiping away his tears. Jaime walked in and the guys fallowed."Scar what's going on?" Tony asked as I looked a Felix."I have been starving myself for a while and Scar is trying to help me through it." Felix said then let out a sigh of relief."Scar why didn't you tell me I could've been there to help too." Tony said and I could see the sad look in his eyes."That's not for me to tell you that is for him to talk to you about I already had a plan that if he kept refusing to eat then I would tell you but I had told him we could help eachother." I say and they nod. The guys make a circle around us and moved closer until we're in a group hug."We love you guys so much and we only want the best so anytime you two need anything just talk to us." Vic said."We love you guys too now if you don't mind me and Felix need to go get ready." I say so the guys split apart and I grab Jaime to come with us."Felix I want to pick out your outfit." I say as we walk into my room."Fine your style is cute but I want to pick out yours then." He said pulling out a bean bag chair. I opened the closet door so Felix got up and Jaime took his spot. I hopped in the shower while they put together an outfit. I got out and put my pj's back on so I could see the cloths they had for me."So first I have theses shorts but Jaime says that you wear shorts all the time so I paired them with theses super cute tights and your, I can't believe you own this but, 5sos flannel and your boots." He said so I take the cloths back to my bathroom and change."So why 5sos like come on they aren't even punk pop they're pop." Felix said when I got back."I like the shirt not the group you have to admit the shirt is cute and looks good on me." I say and he nods in defeat. Jaime came over with a pair of gages and a gray beanie."Thought it needed more." He said and he was right. We ran across the hall to Felix's room. He got in the shower and I looked through his stuff. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans then ran back to my room for his shirt. I dug to the back of my closest until I found my old pierce the veil tank top. The picture was pierce the veil sitting down and it kinda looks like they are melting. I came back and sat what I had down on the bed."Jaime grab his red vans and his ptv beanie while I grab some bracelets." I say walking over to his bed side table. I got two ptv and two sws bracelets and sat them on the bed as well. Felix came out in only a pair of boxers. He bent down to get the jeans and I made a real funny guys reference."Kellin I can see your lady underware through your man underware." I say giggling."Shut up Sam." Felix and Kellin say at the same time."Kellin!" I squeal jumping into his arms."Hey who are you?" Kellin asked a shirtless Felix."I'm Felix Perry." Felix said quickly putting on his shirt."Oh cool Tony finally adopted so how old are you and when is your birthday?" Kellin asked."I'm eleven and my birthday is September 18th." Felix said smiling but Kellin was frowning he was looking at Felix's arms."How long have you been..." Kellin tries to ask."Six years please don't be mad it's just things get to me really badly." Felix said sitting on his bed. Kellin sat me down and picked Felix up."You see this bracelet I mean every word that it says because that's what wrists are for they are for wearing bracelets not for cutting." Kellin said hugging Felix as he cried."Now Kellin why are you here?" I asked siting in his lap."Cause your uncle invited me over." He said carrying me down stairs."There's my little princess." Mike said taking me from kellin."Daddy where is Kat?" I ask."Living room." He said so I hoped down and ran to her."Kat!" I say hugging her."Do you want to see the ring?" She asked as I sat next to her I excitedly nodded yes. She held out her left hand."It's beautiful." I said amazed by it. I got up and went to my bathroom. If we weren't gonna leave until tonight to see the movie I might as well dye my hair brown. Once I was done I wrote stay strong in cursive letters with a fine tip sharpie on my arm. I plugged in my phone to my stareo and the first song that played was your nickel ain't worth my dime."I found a love that swept me of of my feet." I stated to sing but Kellin and Vic came in a changed it to king for a day."Hey if you touch my music again I'll change it to one direction." I say and Vic smirks and changes the song to the divine zero."That's it." I say I take my phone and go to YouTube. I clicked on the song what makes you beautiful. Vic and Kellin were both on the floor covering there ears."I'm dieing!" Vic screams."I've never had to say this before but turn that shit off." Mike said coming in my room. I unplugged my phone then found Felix and Tony. Once I found them we left for the movies."One child ticket and two adult tickets to paper towns." Tony said and the boy behind the glass handed him our tickets."Do you guys want snacks cause I do." Tony said as we got in line. We nodded our heads yes."Two waters and a small popcorn." I told the girl working the cash register."Okay sweetie butter or salt on the popcorn?" She asked."Salt." I said then she rung everything up. After the movie Felix and I agreed that the book was better and that we pictured Quinton differently. I needed to pee so I made my way to the bathroom telling them to wait for me. After I was done we went to a near by park. Somehow Felix climbed up on Tonys shoulders."How did you get up there?" I asked having to look up at him."I am Felix the great." He proclaimed placing his hands on his hips."Just the greatest." I agreed god I love this goofy kid.

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