13. ~ Gaeity

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Time: 3:15 am.
Setting: Tomlinson Residence.

Ashton: (plops down between Aleisha and Luke, obviously tipsy) So...are you two a thing or something? (snorts) 'Thing or something'. (loudly) Redundancy!

Luke: (annoyed) Is that even a word?

Ashton: (giggles) Yes! It means repetitive! Constantly repeating! A pattern of sorts! (pauses, scrunched nose) I think. I've always had a deep hatred for vocabulary and jargon, so I may be wrong.

Aleisha: (laughs, tipsy) Boy, you are something else.

Ashton: (winks, flirty) Wouldn't you like to find out?

Luke: Ugh. I can't watch this. Horrible flirting. Horrible, horrible.

Ashton: (cheeky) Jealous it ain't you, sweetheart? (suggestive) I could always go more than one round, y'know? Or maybe three? I work out. (flexes)

Aleisha: (throws head back in laughter) Oh my god! I can't take this!

Luke: (mortified) Horrible. Seriously, horrible!

Ashton: (giggles) So, I take it that you're not dating each other?

Aleisha: (snorts, popping the p) Nope. Blondie over there literally turns green when lady parts are presented to him.

Luke: (makes a face) Ew, Ally.

Aleisha: (ignores Luke) It's true. I've seen him throw up over straight porn.

Luke: (blushes) That was one time!

Ashton: So he likes laddy parts?

Aleisha: (nods) He likes laddy parts. Not lady parts.

Ashton: (giggles, to Aleisha) I like lady parts! Would you like to show me your lady parts?

Calum: (walks by, catches end of the conversation) O-kay, horn dog. (pulls Ashton by the wrist) Time to go. (to Aleisha) Sorry. He's a horny drunk but he doesn't mean anything by it.

Ashton: (loudly) Lies! I like doing the sex things!

Aleisha: It's alright. He's adorable.

Luke: (under his breath) You mean 'annoying'.

Ashton: (ignores him, to Aleisha) You won't be thinking that when I'm done with your lady parts.

Calum: (rolls eyes, pulling Ashton to his feet) Definitely time to go home. C'mon, Romeo.

Ashton: (pouts, pulling hands away) I don't want to be Romeo! You be Romeo! I'll be Marius! He doesn't die in the end!

Aleisha: (cuts in) I'd rather not be Juliet, either.

Ashton: (points to Aleisha) See?! (rambling) Why must you always cockblock? You're, like, the master of cocking the block - or the other way around. Hah. 'Cock'. That's a rooster.

Calum: (exasperated) And you're an idiot. Let's go, Ash.

Luke: (stands up) We should be leaving, too. (helps Aleisha up) Got a shift at nine.

Ashton: (turns and hugs Luke, shocking the taller boy) Okey! Goodnight, Lucas! (winks at Aleisha) Night, Ally! Dream of me!

Calum: The only dream she'll have of you is one of the both of you picking roses and dandelions.

Ashton: (lets go of Luke, turns to Calum) Those grow in two entirely different climates so that dream would be botanically incorrect.

Calum: Enough. Say goodbye, Ash.

Ashton: (loudly) Laters, suckas! (runs out the door to the driveway)

Luke: (shocked) He's nuts.

Calum: Only when he's drunk. (sighs) You two take care. See you at work, Luke.

Luke: (quietly) Okay. Whatever. Bye.

QOTD: What do you think of drunk Ashton?

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