29. ~ Remember

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Note: I'm surprised that people actually like this story. Thank you for the support. It means a lot. <3

A little fluff. A little drama. Got some drama coming up in the next few chapters. So, prepare thy selves.


Time: 7:23 pm.
Setting: Ashton's Room. Room 151.

Ashton: (opens door, sees Luke standing there awkwardly and moves so he can enter, closes door) Welcome to Casa de Irwin. Kitchen's on your left, living room's on your right and bathroom is down the hall.

Luke: (tilts head down to look at Ashton) It's...cute.

Ashton: (rolls eyes and pushes past Luke to go to kitchen) It's like everyone else's.

Luke: (mutters) Except more colorful...

Ashton: (sassy) Well, we're not all monochromatic arseholes. Some of us actually like the other colors on the spectrum.

Luke: (scoffs, amused) Black goes with everything. (stands behind Ashton, stares down at pot) What are you cooking?

Ashton: (sarcastic) Food. (laughs as Luke glares at him) Beef stew.

Luke: (nods approvingly, pulls away and walks into the living room, looks at various pictures put up on walls) You're quite the interior decorator. (looks at one particular photo, picks it up and walks towards Ashton) Who's this?

Ashton: (hums, turns to look at the picture Luke is holding out, pales) Uh...(voice shaking slightly) H-he's a friend.

Luke: (stares at the blonde boy in the photo next to Ashton, eyebrow raised) Friend, huh? You two look pretty happy. What's his na-

Ashton: (interrupts, snaps) Can we just not talk about it?!

Luke: (stills, stares down at the photo for a moment before walking away to put it back in its place) Sorry. (obvious that Ashton doesn't hear him so he walks back to the kitchen and stands behind him, casually rests his chin on top of Ashton's head) Sorry. Shouldn't have asked.

Ashton: (sighs, pulls away to start stirring soup, quietly) He's a friend that I haven't seen in a long time.

Luke: (gentle) We don't have to talk about it.

Ashton: (looks up at Luke, small smile) Thanks.

Luke: (quirks lips in amusement) You're welcome.

QOTD: Who is the boy in the picture? Any guesses?

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