Chapter 14: The Shakes

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AN: This chapter was edited by jooniekingg.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like a truck smashed into me repeatedly."

"Really? You look so much better though."

"That's because you gave me antibiotics, didn't you?" Some contents of the spoon spilled onto the blanket, but his eyes were glued to the window at my right.

"What made you think that?"

"Because I got better really fast and also, you gave me pills at the same time for four days."

"We have some... connections and, well, don't worry about it. Just eat. Also, don't worry about missing class either, I had them write a paper that excuses you for the past two weeks since you were, you know, sick."

"But I wasn't sick last week." I almost bit on the spoon and yet his hand kept holding it in midair.

"I figured...Where were you, by the way? You weren't looking so good then, but at least you're attending classes, and then last week, you... didn't."

The days I've spent drinking flashed through my mind, followed by the party which had me closing my eyes as if that could block everything out. All it did was give the memories a darker, better background. Then it hit me like lighting through the nervous system.

"Shit. Give me your phone!"

"Finish eating. Hey, don't get up so fast." My eyes quickly scanned from the right to the left corner of his room but to no avail ", you'll make me spill the soup."

The half-eaten bowl got abandoned on the nightstand as he reached for his back pocket only after I attacked every drawer and jacket.

"It's here." He informed me, with a small sigh.

I reached out towards it, but he immediately hid it under himself.

"Who do you want to call?"



"Because he does not know where I am and I missed all the appointments, so he's probably freaking out right about now. Give it, come on."

"Where's your phone?"

"I lost it."


"Ah... I don't... a..."

Any lie could have a hole I could accidentally fall into after one too many questions. So, I turned him on his belly and tickled him until he inevitably loosened his grip on the tiny device.

I grabbed it and used my weight alone to keep him under me as I punched Fred's phone number into the screen.

"Not fair..."

The back of his neck felt cold against my lips, and his ear felt slightly hotter. A high-pitched sound that I thought only women could make escaped from the depths of his neck while his hands tried to protect his ears.

"Hi, Fred? Yeah, it's me. Look, I am sorry for disappearing and all, but..."

"You camped in front of Jungkook's building without a tent for days in a row." He deadpanned, cutting me off.

Jungkook tried to slide from under me, so I playfully pinched his sides with a smile.

"How did you know?"

"You said you were going to apologize."

"Yeah, I said that but... oh, you just assumed..."

"That you don't know the limits of the human body and that you're a masochist? Yes. I assumed that much."

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