Chapter 31: Funny

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AN: This and the next 4 chapters will be from Namjoon's point of view.

Happy New Year's... Smokers?! (I don't know what else to call you all, but I hope that none of you smoke, at least not for a long time...bad for your health. Free will though. Anyways...) Enjoy:

I was deep asleep with my back against the front door. And the key to the said door was in the right pocket of the jacket. Right in the middle of my fist.

And Mona was trying to widen that very pocket by pulling on the edges of it. One finger touched my hand and despite the fact that I wanted to go back to sleep, I sighed loudly on purpose and looked straight into her eyes, breathing out a raspy, tired:
"Good morning."
"Go back to sleep."
"Hmph." I huffed with a smirk, "You know how much I wish that I could."
I grabbed the back of her head and pushed her lightly. She fell onto her ass and hit the back of her head on the wall. Though my legs were outstretched, parallel to the floor, they'd both gone numb at some point during the night.

Mona seemed just fine since she sprung straight up and walked away mumbling swearwords.

I shut my eyes only for a second before a full bottle of water missed hitting my face by a few centimeters, if not millimeters.

"Aww. How did you know I was thirsty?" I sarcastically asked, mimicking Jungkook's voice, while the bottle rolled away with a new dent.

She faked an amused expression that was followed by a psycho, not amused, and clearly annoyed expression combined with the deepest tone that she was capable of:

"I really don't like the way you've been talking to me, punk."
"Same here."

I reached for the bottle with the only empty hand and despite the protests that I got from my back and waist, I somehow got it without getting up.

She was watching me, looking frustrated. Dark circles around her eyes, elbow on the kitchen counter holding her head up.

"You're lucky there's only one door to this apartment."
"No, Mona. You're the lucky one or else, there'd either be one more person in here or I'd have to tie you to the bed which would be uncomfortable for both of us." I stretched up, the key showing in the palm of my hand.
What was left of the sleepiness was washed away when she took a few steps toward the living room.

'Now I know why Fred had all the walls of the house, besides the ones from the bathrooms and bedrooms taken down. When I told him that everyone can see what you're doing around the house at all times at my place, he seemed even keener on it despite the neighbors' complaints about that very idea. Heh, evil geezer saw the future or something.'

"Aren't you worried about him too?"
"Mm... not really."
"He's been in the hospital, Namjoon. Or doing Devil knows what. The man who's been like a father to you and my only brother is hurt. Probably in danger, and yet here we are, doing nothing!"
"What exactly could you do right now, Mona? Or did you hide your doctor's degree under the flamingo paintings from your bedroom?"

"He's all alone!"
"You don't know that."
"He needs me."
"No. What he needs from you is lack of movement. For you to stay where it's safe. With someone whom he trusts."
She scoffed and puffed, pacing around the room like a cornered animal.

"My parents are dead. Just like yours."
"Really? Do you want my sympathy now? You already have it! I'm here to protect you. In case you can't tell..."
"He told me that you were there when your dad died."
"And you're taking that away from me! He's all the family I've got left Namjoon! And I won't even be there in his last moments..."

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