Chapter 29: Agree to Burn

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AN:Hi, just a quick reminder that anything that is in italics is a phone message. Although, I think it will be obvious, I just wanted to make sure there is no misunderstanding.

'Should I ask?'

The restless leg earned me a furrowed brow from the female colleague from the right.

'No. That's a bad idea.'

I meet her judging eyes for a brief moment from the cover of my bent arms that kept slipping over the small desk because of the sweater's fabric and then sneaked a quick glance behind her. Two desks down, Namjoon was writing without even looking at his notebook while attentively staring at the talking, pacing teacher.

"... the first exam will be..."

'I should wait. But how long was it? Five days of school, two days off, and then three more. Just ten days. Ten long...cursed...' I thought.

"You should all start recapitulating everything that you've learned so far. Forget about learning new..."

'I didn't finish studying. And if I do get a passing grade in math... like the bare minimum...yeah, right. I find it in me to even care about it...that's not good...I need to get my shit together and fast.'

"Psst. Pshh."

" should all be aware by now. There will be no cell phones or bags allowed so don't even think about cheating as an option to..." The teacher lifted a finger as she passed by the desks.

'But if they care about the years, any any exam then I'm done for. Well, besides the year that horrible guy was born in. What year was that? What was his name? Ok. Can't remember. What letter did it start with? Ah, no. It's because I'm anxious. Right? Why can't I at least remember th...'


Someone actually touched the back of my neck, but I was too absorbed in my thoughts to flinch. Unsure if I should respond considering the guy behind me has barely said anything for years, besides: "Hi." and "Do you have a pen?".

'I've only got one, you leech.' I thought as I glued my back to the backrest, giving him an open view of the one pen that I was now holding without no intention of jotting anything down.

I blinked and a piece of crumpled paper fell from the top of my shoulder, into my lap and rolled right onto the floor. Coming at a stop when it was entirely out of reach.

'Oh well.' I thought and returned to my usual sleeping position.

'But if I ask Namjoon for a pill or some green now then there's like ninety-nine percent chance he'll refuse. And if he gets upset again, then I might as well try my luck with the dealer who got me some when we broke up. But that guy's stuff's so weak after the first one...'
'Maybe it's better if it's almost useless? Oh man, if only anyone would be partying right now, I could use it as an excuse... Or a club? But that might be dangerous.'


'And Namjoon won't let me out of his sight anyways. So, all I can do has to happen during work hours. But what chances do I have of getting another dealer by walking around in broad daylight? That's just stup....'
"What the fuck do you want?!"

The room went completely silent.

"Jeon Jungkook, for what reason are you yelling in my class?! Or is your future not important enough? Or the future of your classmates, who you are interrupting, by swearing no less."
I got up on my feet, biting the inside of my cheek and feeling the burn of the female classmate as she stared at the cheek she could see. Appearing more intense than that of the now, angry teacher.

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