Chapter 35: On the Verge

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An: Hello Smokers! Do you know what day it is? Don't check, it doesn't matter but it hasn't been eight days since the last chapter, that's for sure. But it's been four. And the comments were so nice lately that I felt like giving back by...doing the only thing that I can do. So, here we are. For a while, I might keep the 'update every four days' thing. Not forever though. Hope you enjoy it while it lasts and don't worry, I'll let you all know when I will go back to updating every eight days. It won't be a bad surprise or something.<br />

On with the chapter:

"What are you doing? Eat the fish while it's still fresh." Fred suggested for the second time as he picked up a piece and dropped it onto Jungkook's plate.

"But I already ate a lot of it and you have none." He argued.

"Jungkook. Eat the fish." I seconded Fred.

"I'm eating." He accepted. Defeated.

I watched him put it in his mouth. Watched him suck on the chopsticks lazily. Red eyes blinking one too many times.

And then I noticed Fred staring at me with his head propped up on his hands.


"You two seem happy."

"We're not." I lied. Feeling chills running down my spine.

"We're not?" Jungkook swiftly turned to look from my right. Appearing sad all of a sudden.

"I mean..."

"You don't have to hide your happiness from me Namjoon. There's nothing that I wish more than to see you happy. You and Mona. But it's a bit more complicated when it comes to her."

He tilted his head and sipped from his wine.

I pinched Jungkook's leg when he inquired without thinking: "Why?"

"What?" He jumped up, making it obvious that I did something to him.

Fred chuckled. I resisted the urge to smash my head against the table.

"I am sure that you know by now...what makes her happy..." He darkly murmured.

"She said that buying things also makes her happy. Spending time with you and bowling. Also, listening to new music, decorating, and going out with friends."

"When exactly did she tell you this, Jungkook?"

Fred squinted his eyes and I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. It tasted like wine.

"When Namjoon locked me up in her room for two days!"

"It was not two whole days." I argued, dragging the word 'days' as to lessen its gravity, waving a hand in his angry, puffed-up face.

"Right..." He faced forwards and picked the cutlery back up.

"I wouldn't have if you didn't go and..." The tone was far too angry for the table jazz playing in the background. So, I clenched my jaw and picked up some sushi to fill my mouth with.

"If you didn't what? What did you do Jungkook?"

"It's complicated. But nothing really bad. I have been a bit... just...stupid..."

"Hm..." Fred mumbled something under his breath before getting up and slowly making his way towards the bathroom, holding onto his abdomen.

"Didn't I recite the list of taboo words twice before we've arrived?" I asked in Jungkook's ear just loud enough for it to be drowned out by the music but loud enough to make him move away.

"I was talking about Mona...and not...that." He whispered back.

I leaned back and put an arm up on the backrest of the cushioned chair.

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