Chapter 1: Lotus

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AN: Hi. Just wanted to let you know that this chapter and the next five are from Namjoon's perspective. The seventh until the tenth chapter (the tenth chapter included) will be from Jungkook's perspective. So, five chapters for each (six at first), on rotation, if the perspective changes I will let you know. So, don't worry about it.

In the first 14 chapters, thoughts will be in italics. Afterward, anything that's in between '...' is a thought. And quotation marks for dialogue.

This fanfic is finished and it took more than a year to complete. Also, if you'll find any mistakes, do let me know if you feel like it.

This chapter was edited by jooniekingg.

"This must be illegal somewhere." He stated.

"It can't be worse than selling and also, he agreed to it," I argued.

"Of course, he did, he's an addict with no money. You're the one who suggested the deal to him though."

"It's still consensual, but I wish we could do more."

"Namjoon, you're starting to worry me..."
"I mean, just talking and going somewhere else besides the bathroom or the bushes..."

He choked on iced water.

"I never considered you to be a romantic. But I guess it makes sense since you'd never casually comment about obviously beautiful women to me..."
"Anyway," I mumbld quickly as the waitress approached our table. I helped her place the heavy noodle bowls in front of the two of us. Her tray remained full even after she departed; "I was thinking you could help me."
"I can't pass as a high school student even if I wanted to, I mean I don't look that old but still..."

"That doesn't matter." I kept moving my chopsticks right and left multiple times as if that would've sold my point, but I was so excited about the slight possibility of finally having a plan in motion that I couldn't care less about the food.

"Whatever you're about to say, it can't be legal."

"Oh, shut up! I can't confess unless I am sure he feels the same. That is exactly why I..."

"Hmm..." He slurped some noodles while raising his right eyebrow at the same time.

"I just need you to touch him a bit, then tell me if he gets, you know... excited. That way I'll know if I'm the only guy that has that effect on him."

I could hear that the vegetables and noodles got stuck in his throat the second I finished the word 'touch', but he handled it quietly by sipping some water. And looking around to check if anyone was staring. At last, he cleared his throat a couple of times just loud enough to be civil before he spoke again:

"I am not going to prison just because you can't confess."

"You owe me for the time I..."

"I know, but this is not the kind of favor you want to ask in return."

"It is!"
"It is not!" He wiped his face and ordered some beer.

"Look. This can be plan B. Plan A would be to check his...stuff first, yourself."
"I already did."

"He clearly likes it." I claimed, smiling.

"Great. Problem solved." He got the glass with a small smirk while I was waiting for the woman to leave before I spoke again.
"Problem not solved. That doesn't particularly mean he likes me."

We've been discussing my relationship issues for a year now, although he wasn't obliged to listen to any of my problems, he had assured me that he wanted to know everything even after I had previously kept quiet for a whole year.

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