Chapter 45: Magic Shop

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AN: Do you know what this is? Anxiety-induced insomnia, And! I've been editing with the speed of light, although, a mistake or two might've escaped me. So...find it and drown it for me. Thanks.

One chapter per day it's...not sustainable. But my 'ninety percent-finished chapters supply' will run out soon and the editing will start to take longer because I actually have to add scenes and stuff in a few chapters.
Anyways. That aside. Yes, here's another chapter for you. Thanks for reading it:

One foot in front of the other.

Acutely aware that I should feel proud because I didn't lash out. Unsure if I handled it well by walking out without saying a word.

'But what are the chances that he got his fix from the dealer and then decided to cut himself up on the way back? Or that he's been walking around with a big bag of weed inside his jacket for hours?'

One foot in front of the other and then, a door prevented that.

I knocked.

"Not again!"
"Coming!" A female voice shouted and then whispered, "I swear I'll make it up to you."
"Does it involve getting my own room? Cause I just want to sleep in a bed by myself"
"God, I hate your..."

The door was opened by Sandra's roommate, Mi Cha. And her angry-looking face.

She finished with a disgusted tone.

"I'm not her boyfriend."
"Whatever. Go jump her bones, I don't care anymore."
She walked right past me, stomping her shoes. Not bothering to answer an exclaimed "Thank you!" from her roommate.

Sandra stepped aside to let me in, hands playing anxiously with one another.

"Close the door."
"...yes." She did so nervously. And then turned to look at me, wide-eyed.

"And lock it."
"Yes...silly me." She lightly slapped herself across the cheek and then complied in a hurry.

I sat in her chair after taking my shoes off and I was paying attention to how soft the floor carpet was.


Back turned against the door, she froze.

"What are you doing?" I asked. Impatient.
"I...a...thought we could talk ...a...first...before...."
"How we...aa..."
She fixated her gaze on the carpet and kept herself at the furthest point of the room.

I sighed.

She flinched.

"If you want to talk then you should sit down and tell me what's bothering you."
She peeked up briefly and slowly, carefully walking by me before sitting down on her bed.

"Talk." I demanded softly, elbow on the armrest, head held up by a fist. Rotating slightly in the wheeled chair.

"You know how've been a bit too...." She said.
'Jungkook's cut himself.' I thought.

"I mean, I like's just that it kind of hurts when you go too deep. And after the last time, I lost my voice for about a week..."

'Or someone else's cut him. And I don't even know which one is worse.'

"And since it takes you a while, I...I was wondering if we could do it less often since I ...can't sleep for the rest of the day since I have class, but then I'm too tired to do anything. It's so funny that it's even a problem. But I'm in no shape or form telling you what to do, I just...feel like..."

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