Chapter 11: Root of all Evil

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AN: This chapter until the fifteenth is all from Namjoon's perspective. And then it will be from Jungkook's again.

This chapter was edited by jooniekingg.

His white T-shirt looked as if it had been spray-painted with blood and his face was so swollen that he was practically unrecognizable. The one tooth that flew out had the red substance dripping without coagulating.

When he crawled past me with only one good leg, with pure horror in his eyes, I enjoyed it.

I was pleased.

That terrified me the most.

Maybe I really am a monster?



"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because it's not important."

"You almost beat the guy to death and the entire school is talking about it."

"So, what?"

"I agree, so what indeed, but shouldn't I know? I mean. Aren't we together? If you're in any kind of danger, shouldn't I be the first to know?"

I looked at his worried face as the afternoon light went through the branches of the trees above us, blocking some rays, which left only small circles free to illuminate his skin.

No. It's better if you don't. That Is what I wanted to say, but since he kept asking every chance he got, I got up and started walking away to calm myself down. Still, he had to stop me.

"Namjoon! Tell me what's wrong?!"

"I already told you that nothing's wrong!"

"Boy, do I have bad timing."

I felt all the hair on my body standing up when I turned around and meet a familiar crimson hair that came paired with a boxy smile.

"Hi, there."

He tried to appear friendly, but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"What do you want?" I snapped.


Don't talk to him. I pulled Jungkook behind me without thinking.

"Protective, aren't we? Though I get it, he looks so innocent. and yet..."

"Shut it. Don't even look in his direction or I will pull your eyes out."

"Ouch. I bet you mean it."

"Namjoon, why are you being so rude?" Jungkook was trying to break his hand free as his polite tone coated every word as my temples pulsated.

"Really? You want to defend a rapist?" For a second, I thought I said it inside my head, however, he stared at Taehyung with changed eyes, which meant I probably didn't.

"You can call me V. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"I said, don't talk to him! What the fuck do you want?!"

"But of course, some hearts."

"Hearts?" I heard Jungkook mumbling under his breath.

"He means pills."

"Aw, it doesn't sound so fun if you call them that. Anyhow... do you have any?"

"No, I have nothing on me."

"I thought you couldn't afford to lose any more customers, so why are you walking around empty-handed? I was ready to buy a lot too."

"Why is he losing customers?"

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