Chapter 58: Darker Waters (Special)

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AN: This chapter is from Namjoon's perspective. Enjoy:

The waves were dark and so was the sky.

The sound of their crash was loud, but not loud enough to overpower his voice.

"I told you we'll get here quickly. Didn't I?"
"You've said a lot of things lately, Jungkook."
He smiled and played with the lighter from inside the pocket of his jacket.

But I could only see the lifted left corner of his mouth and hairs that flew towards the sea, obstructing his eyes.

"Then let's sleep for a bit and then leave."
He nodded, so I started walking away.

But Jungkook didn't follow.

"Aren't you coming?"
"I'm going to stay here a bit more.."
I walked away and headed for the hotel.

Without looking back, I marched inside and up to our room with heavy steps. And a heavy body.

I went in, turned on the lights, and plopped into bed without changing.

Shut my eyes and hoped sleep will embrace me fast.

And despite my busy mind, it did.

I woke up because of Jungkook's insistent yelling from the bathroom.

"What?" I yawned loudly.

"Get dressed!"
"What time is it?"
"One thirty AM!"
"You ready?!"
He was smoking his cigarette while I was changing clothes. Suddenly, I wished I didn't notice that he didn't even glance at me.

I checked on his state using the reflection of the long closet mirror.

We walked out half an hour later dressed in all black and with the hoodie on.

It was cold outside, and yet, the taxi was too warm.

When we made it inside the club, my body went stiff.

I watched him move through people like a spear through the water.

Followed closely behind him with my hands buried in my pockets.

We ended up in the bathroom after having a drink.

Waiting for someone to show up in silence.

He smoked three cigarettes in a row.

He reached out to pull out the fourth when someone burst into the quiet, dirty room, laughing.

While the other pointed out how good they were all feeling. How he didn't expect it.

Jungkook put out the half-smoked cigarette number four.

He waited for one to go into a stall before walking up to the guy who was fixing his hair while staring in the mirror.

"Hey. Got anything for sale?" Jungkook asked, quite confident.

The guy gave him an up-and-down and grinned.
"Not selling to people like you."
"People like me?"
"How old are you, kiddo?"

Jungkook grinned. But only for a moment. Pointing at me.
"The guy behind me has been a dealer since he was young. Now, he would love to tell you how many years we've known each other and I can tell you the exact number of years that I've lived without him. And then you can add both and find out my age. What do you say?"

"Are you insane?" He snapped, quietly. Blinking once.

I took one step forward and the guy switched his attention from the shorter man to me. And then looked down, slightly irritated.

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