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Ten years later ...

"Отец," I shout grimly through the entrance hall. My voice echoes back from the walls. As a child, I loved sitting here for hours and imagining that I wasn't talking to myself but that my echoes were voices from other children had never had much contact with other children, but had sometimes asked for it. I was happy not to have had contact with other children when I was 20. Going to school with them had been irritating enough.

Why did he always have to be late? Okay, well, I wasn't exactly better, but still! Suddenly he stands in front of me as if out of nowhere. All dressed in black and a long black coat. I don't know him any other way. Always looking confident. "Well Aideen. Take care, it's dangerous out there ... "" Yes, yes ", I roll my eyes" and every second person could be a murderer! ", I interrupt him." Отец, I'm not a toddler anymore! " "I didn't mean that at all. He continues. "You mean I shouldn't go to the next school library, burn it down and accidentally kill the chemistry professor who happened to be there?" A smile crosses his face. "Would you just continue to go to school here or ..." "No, please don't back down now, we have discussed this and I want that! I want to gain experience." I interrupt him again. "Okay okay", he gives in. "Have fun and take care of yourself. I love you very much!", He takes me in his arms when I say goodbye and when I want to turn around, his look is sad and ... exhausted in a way that deeply saddened me. I don't know that from him at all. He was always strong and seemed invincible. Now he works alone ... I doubt for a moment, do I really want to go?

Red flames appear, they lick the sky. "Пламя," I whisper, close my eyes and imagine New York. The tall skyscrapers and Times Square, overrun by hundreds of people. Then I step into the flames. They don't burn me. Actually, I feel almost nothing, except for a slight tingling. When I open my eyes again I find myself in New York Times Square.
The apartment my father had chosen for me should be near here.

Before I can start moving, however, I almost get knocked over. I stagger back two steps and ... Baah what is that? My black top sticks to me and coffee runs over my leather jacket and black skirt. "Damn it, what ...?" I let out. "Oh my God ... I ... I'm so sorry!" In front of me is a young girl, at least she looks younger than me. "Mierda," she escapes. She has green eyes and blonde slightly longer hair. She is wearing a dark blue short strapless jumpsuit with sunflowers on it. I actually want to be angry. My outfit is ruined because of her, but something about her eyes and manner is keeping me from making short work of it.
"What's your name?" I therefore ask her. "Calandra. I can give you money to clean it, or ... or I'll buy you a new outfit.", She stutters awkwardly. "What are you?" I ask her directly because I quickly noticed that she is not human. She looks at me in horror, turns and disappears into the crowd.

I am a little confused. Usually, demons are friendly or less dismissive to others. At least when you know that you are the same and we demons can feel it when someone is also different. You can't really describe this feeling. You could explain it this way: We feel the aura of a demon. This is evil and dark, cold and you start to tremble inside (<- but only if the respective demon is very powerful). Trained demons can tell by certain facts who is a demon, who is an angel or who is a person. Well, I'll worry about this girl later, now I have to wear something else first. 10th Avenue, two more left and ... I'm standing in front of the stairs and starting the climb. Unfortunately, I can only teleport to places I've been to or that I've seen before. Since my father had chosen the apartment, I didn't know what it looked like. "Gather human experience!" He said to me before I left. Why does it have to be number 105? And then the elevator didn't work. Seriously, my father pays $ 1500 a month for that? Hopefully the apartment will be better then.

After about 45 minutes - or was it more? - I arrive sweaty and completely out of breath in front of room number 105 on the 15th floor. My hand is shaking with the exertion as I dig the keys out of my backpack. Because it is wet with sweat, the key slips out of my hand and falls to the floor. I bend down and pick it up. Then I put it in the keyhole and turn it three times to the right. Tense enough, I press the door handle and open the door. I enter the room and close the door behind me.

I look around in amazement. The view that is offered to me from here is indescribable, breathtaking, ... it is New York. I put my backpack next to the door. In front of me is a long corridor with a floor-to-ceiling window at the end. After about four steps there is a room to my left. It is the kitchen that is open and that is adjacent to the living room. Everywhere are floor-to-ceiling windows from which you can see New York from above. I go back into the hallway and after three more steps I find a bathroom to my right. It is small, but very spacious. Back in the hallway I see another room to the right of the bathroom. That must be my room. This apartment is actually relatively small, but after all, I'm only here to gather some human experience and not to start a life here. I will spend most of the time in Delminum after all.

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