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On Monday, Calandra and Mistral decided to meet on Wednesday after school to continue working on their project. All Tuesday morning they had talked in secret during class and got to know each other better. Calandra had learned that Mistral had an older brother, and Mistral had learned more about Calandra and her mother. Calandra had avoided the subject of father, just as Mistral had avoided talking about his parents. That only made the subject more interesting to Calandra. Even after many exhortations from the teachers, both could not keep themselves entertained. It was just too interesting to get to know each other.

For her part, Calandra had avoided her best friends. Her "betrayal" just hurt too much, although she also enjoyed working with Mistral. Maybe too much?

Wednesday afternoon in the library
"Hello Calandra", Mistral greets her. Unfortunately, both of them do not have the same timetable and therefore only spend some subjects together. The timetable has been in effect since Wednesday (Tuesday only the teachers introduced themselves and said what they needed for the respective subjects) "Hello ", she replies to his greeting. Both did not come alone but with company. "Um ... this is Lyanna. She is totally interested in angels and demons and I thought she might be of help ... but I can send her away if you like. "Calandra seems visibly nervous and Mistral tries to calm her down." It's fine, no problem. And no you don't have to send her away. I brought Isra with me, she's my best friend. " Calandra's forehead wrinkles, which always happens to her when she is excited or jealous. Best friend so. Lyanna nudges her. "How about we look for a free place to work" she turns to Mistral and Isra "And you are already looking for books that match our topic!" "A good idea!" Says Isra.


"You were right!" Whispers Lyanna. "He's definitely not human! He's different!" I look at her nervously. "And now? What if he's a demon? Angels and demons must have nothing to do with each other! "" Does that mean a school project as well? ", Lyanna smiles encouragingly at me. We sit down at an empty table, which is available for students studying here, behind one of the many bookshelves. My mind wanders back to Mistral. Actually, he doesn't seem like a demon. But I haven't met very many demons yet. And are all demons the same? Why am I thinking about it? And anyway, why do I think of Mistral so often? Our top law is to avoid demons! And Mistral is certainly not a demon! Maybe through our project I can find out if he's a demon? Please let him be an angel. When he comes back I'll just ask him. If he doesn't answer the way I think, I can just say it is a question that we need to clarify for the project. Is there such a thing as soul animals? A good excuse.

At the same time in a different part of the library.

"And what do you think?" "Well, she is definitely not human. Unfortunately, I can't tell you whether she is a demon or an angel. Angel would suit her better because she seems very level-headed, but I can Don't judge. She might as well be a demon and hide that under her friendly manner very well. I don't know any female demons! "replies Isra. Concern is in her voice. "She seems very nice. Your project is ... well interesting, you can say. "She looks at me reproachfully." I know I know. But our class teacher is such an idiot, I ... we ... "" You have to take care of yourself! Think of our supreme law! "We have grabbed a few books that deal with the subjects of" Angels on earth "and" Is there paradise or are we already living in hell? "Think of our supreme law, Israel's voice rang out in mine Head. Yes, the supreme law, but what if she is not an angel but a demon? I don't know how angels are, I have never met one myself.

"Isra and I found some books and ..." "Isra is your soul animal!" What? Caught I look at Isra. "Where from ...?" I look back at Calandra in shock. She gets up without another word and leaves the library with Lyanna. "Isra I ..." "There you have your confirmation that she is not normal. "" But what is it then? " I leave the library with Isra. Back in the apartment, I retreat to my room and think. I think of Calandra and try to guess what she is. I dont know.

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