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Calandra and I had a long talk yesterday. I learned a lot of interesting things about her, but I still couldn't say 100% that she was my sister. Also, I still wonder why I collapsed yesterday.

Something is wrong with me, I'm very sure of that. Maybe my father has answers for me. I decide to visit him today, then I can train right away and apologize to him for my rough behavior the other day. It's 9:04 a.m. I stand in the living room of my apartment and imagine our black, scary castle, with the many tall towers, in Delminum. I see our large, high white entrance hall, with the wide black marble staircase leading to the second floor in front of me. "Пламя", I say and step into the red flames that appear. Just a few seconds later I step out of the flames into my home.

"Отец?" I call out to him. I don't get an answer. That is very strange. That is very strange, because normally he always answers me immediately or teleports to me when he hears that it is me who is calling for him . An unsettling and oppressive feeling is spreading in my stomach. Something is wrong here. "Отец?", I call out again and start running for the stairs. Our large library is located on the second floor to the left of the stairs. I often find my father there and he didn't hear me calling because he was absorbed in one of his books. I rush to our library, open the heavy oak door and "отец?" I ask again in a room that threatens to burst with books. No answer. I am overcome by an inexplicable fear. Where is he? It could be another one Give a place where he could be at this time. I hurry back to our entrance hall. To the right of the wide staircase is a door that leads to our basement. When I was very young, my father had the basement in a training room He started training me at the age of 5. "It's dangerous here! It's important that you can defend yourself when I can't." I open said door and go down the stairs. In fact, it seems like he's here. The lights are on and swords are missing, which he always carefully hangs up on one of the countless wall brackets.

I feel relief. "Отец?" I ask again and finally I get an answer: "Yes, мой маленький пламя!" I am greeted by him. I usually hate any nicknames that people come up with for me, but that nickname makes my heart warm. I see my father in front of me and run into his arms. "I'm so sorry that I was so rude to you the other day." I bury my face in his chest. "You don't have to apologize, I forgot again. Ты мне нравишься." He gives me a kiss on the forehead and immediately I feel safe and secure. "Thanks," I whisper.

Somewhat later.
"Why are you here anyway?" "Does that mean you don't want me here at all?" I turn away, mock insulted. "No ..." "It's okay," I interrupt him and turn back to him with a grin. "On the one hand I wanted to train with you and on the other hand ..." Paxton raises an eyebrow expectantly. "Something is wrong with me. I collapsed yesterday. That has never happened to me." My father snorts with laughter. I look at him confused. He's getting serious again: "It's completely normal. You really don't have to worry. You are in the human world for the first time and your body has to get used to this new atmosphere. It's the same with every demon or angel when they stay in the human world for the first time for a long time. "I feel a lump dissolve in my stomach and I feel light again." Why didn't you tell me that when I left here? " "Mhmm ... so let's put it this way, I wanted you to gain your own experience." "You forgot." "Yes."

"What do you want to start with?" I am asked by my father. As a demon we have different powers. Lower demons, for example, have different powers - these are sometimes weak - than the powers of high-ranking demons. one has strong powers and weak powers. Since I am half an angel, I have weak angelic powers. I hate these powers because they always remind me that I am different. I would so much like to be a full demon. "Let go begin by training my angelic powers. " My father looks at me, irritated. He has never understood that I also want to train my angelic powers, well or rather have to, otherwise they would get out of control. I also think he wishes that I had never discovered these powers or even had them. He would never tell me that, but I just know.

My angelic powers are easily developed. Because I have never fully accepted them, they don't really adapt to me. It is therefore very difficult for me to master or apply them. In contrast, it is very easy for me to train and practice my demonic powers. I start by checking my flight. I can't fly very long and very high. After a few minutes I give up. "Don't you want to try again?", Paxton tries to motivate me. Annoyed, I land. I break out in a sweat. It is so difficult for me to control my angelic powers. "Let's try the deflection," suggests my father . I look at him and nodded. Immediately he hurls an energy beam at me and I try to distract him from me. I only make it halfway and get hit by the beam on my left arm. My elbow burns like hell, but after a few minutes the burning pain subsides. Angry and disappointed in myself, I stomp on the floor with my right foot.

Jaro comes in in human form. "Hey Paxton, hey Aideen!" He greets us in his melodious voice. "Can I help?" "I'm training and I can't manage to control these stupid angelic powers!" Jaro looks at me understandingly. "Shall we train your strengths together?" But a little relieved about this salvation, I give him a grateful look. "Would you agree with that?" I look at my father questioningly. "Sure, I'll withdraw then. Will you come to me again for a moment before you leave?" "Of course." I reply with a nod.

Jaro faces me: "Let's start with the gagging, then I'll be over." He grimaces. "I'm not going to kill you." He raises his eyebrows suspiciously. I close my eyes and clearly feel his aura. It looks bright, which stands for his friendliness and at the same time there is a dark shadow. I grab this one and use it. I imagine my hands clasping his neck and ... I widen my eyes. Every time before it really works, I'm scared. In fact, this skill is a very important one when you are threatened. "I can't do that, Jaro, I'm scared of it."

I swallow because my mouth is suddenly completely dry. He looks at me worried. "Let's try something else. Power surge is easy for you, we don't have to practice that. And I avoid bruises. "I have to smile at how right he is. Over the years we had both got countless bruises. Not just because of training. How often did I decide to use my strength during a flight. And how often Did we crash, land stupidly or something else happened. "How about we would ..." He pauses, because I used another ability. I look like him. "Okay, you are very good at that, most of all you became quick."

He applauds appreciatively for me, I bow and change back again. "I know something," he suggests. I look at him curiously. "Project my greatest fear next to you." In itself it's not difficult, the problem is that I have never seen what Jaro is afraid of and therefore don't really know what it looks like. "That's mean! I don't know what the Fenriswolf looks like! "Jaro shudders." That's a good thing, it's not something you want to see. " I look at him reproachfully. "Let's break up for today! Do you fancy a ride? "And I don't have to ask him twice. Immediately he stands transformed in front of me and kneels down so I can get on.

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