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On the evening of Фестиваль демонов, I thoughtfully retired to my room. I am very happy to see how Niam has finally found happiness and it seems like he really takes Aideen seriously. I know about the supreme law. I know to stay away from Calandra. But why am I not being granted anything? Why do I have to forego being able to be happy at last? Tired, I lie down on my bed and snuggle under my covers. Isra comes in, but I don't notice that she is lying down on the stool in front of my bed again. My thoughts are with Calandra.

The next morning
I wake up drenched in sweat and look around, confused. I am in Delminum, my room. Isra lifts her head and studies me with her watchful black eyes. "What's going on?" "I ..." First of all, I reach for the glass of water that is on the bedside table next to me. I quickly empty it in two deep gulps. Then I try to take a deep breath, but my pulse is still racing. "I had a nightmare. I had to go to the council of elders and ... "Meanwhile, I watch Isra straighten up and nervously her ears begin to turn in all directions." And they asked me about Calandra and ... "" Mistral, that's a warning! You know! ", Isra interrupts my story." Oh what. How should they know that? "I snapped at her. She jerks back, startled. "Isra it .. I'm sorry." "Forget it.", She says and leaves my room. Desperate, I let myself fall back on my bed.

About 2 hours later
Dressed in long jeans and a sweater that fits loosely but keeps me warm, I leave the castle. Where can I meet Calandra at this time? I take my cell phone out of my pocket and write to her: Hey Calandra, what are you doing right now? Hey Mistral, not much, why do you ask? What can i write? If I just ask her if she wants to meet me, she will surely answer NO. Another idea occurred to me tonight about our school project. Can we meet? Yes of course, shall we say in 15 minutes in Central Park? I nod and then notice that she can't even see it. I shake my head at my stupidity and quickly answer her with an Ok, see you then. Then I teleport to Central Park.

Arrived in Central Park, Calandra looks around looking for Mistral. She discovers him sitting on one of the many benches, waiting. Right now, Central Park is Calandra's favorite place. The one last time before winter comes, it can absorb various smells. So many different smells of flowers are floating around in the air and you can hear the hum of bees and the hum of bumblebees. Here and there, couples in love stroll hand in hand along the winding paths of Central Park. And one often hears children's laughter in many places. Even for a day in October it is still relatively warm.

Calandra walks up to Mistral and only looks up at her after a few minutes, surprised. He must have been lost in thought. "Hey," she smiles shyly at him. "Hey ... I" "I know it's not about our school project.", Calandra interrupts him. Mistral raises an eyebrow. "You know that nothing can ever come between us.", She continues. "Even if I don't want anything more fervent." Mistral looks at her and, surprised, Calandra covers her mouth with her hand. Did she just really say that out loud?

"But why not? You want it and I want it too! "" No Mistral, that won't work. The Supreme Law ... "" Oh God, Calandra, the Supreme Law! This is so out of date, I hate it! "Mistral tries to convince her that they can be together if they just want to. Calandra seems excited because despite her fervent desire to grant his request, she is afraid." It doesn't work, even if we ignored the supreme law, my mother is part of the council of elders. I couldn't fool her! " She looks at Mistral, her gaze is pleading, as if she wants him to just take it. And yet he seems sad because everything seems so inevitable.

Mistral can no longer hold back. With one hand he grasps Calandra's hair and gently pulls her towards him. Your eyes take on a wistful expression. Waiting, he looks at her, maybe to see if she withdraws. But Calandra stays, she swallows and remains motionless. Mistral approaches her and his lips gently touch hers. Calandra closes her eyes and deepens the kiss. Then she opens her eyes and looks into Mistral's. They both beam happily and Mistral puts an arm around them. Calandra hugs the crook of his arm and they both enjoy a beautiful October afternoon. A cool wind has recently started blowing, but neither of them is freezing. "Is this forever now? Please promise me At least for this moment. "" I promise you. ", Mistral replies to Calandra's request. And then it is as if time stands still. It's right now, two teenagers in love with no knowledge of what's going to happen to them now. You make this promise with such a serious tone as if it were a matter of life and death, which in principle it does.


I happily said goodbye to Mistral and decided that I would like to talk to my mother about my feelings for Mistral and about Mistral in general. I quickly run behind a large oak tree so that nobody can watch me. Then I imagine our castle and whisper "Aventura mágica". Pink flames appear and I enter the portal.

In the few seconds that I teleport home, I think of High Councilors teleporting to other locations. You don't need those flames and codewords because they have portal magic. Portal magic means that you have the magic to create portals yourself. You don't have to know the place or have been there before, you just have to know the name of the place and then teleport yourself there. Teleporting is extremely dangerous for humans and if they touch the flames that we young and low-ranking beings have to use, they can seriously burn themselves and even die from it.

I step out of the flames into the entrance hall of our castle. "Madre?" I call, looking around for my mother.

I can find her in her walk-in closet. There is so much clothing in this closet, three rows full of shoes, a two meter high closet filled with bags and what feels like a billion tons of clothes, she tries to squeeze into this closet. It is bursting at the seams, but nothing can part with it. "Hello Calandra," she greets me without looking up from her closet.

"Madre, I need to talk to you." She looks up when she hears the serious tone of my voice. She nods and follows me into the living room. There we sit down next to each other on the couch. but I prefer to leave it. "Please, it's on my heart and ... I'm afraid of your reaction.", I said the last words almost in a whisper. How do I best begin to begin this topic?

I take a deep breath. "I fell in love!" Mother looks up. "But?" "But he is ... he is a demonio." Mother opens her eyes. "You are not serious. You should know that this is forbidden." "That this? You mean that it is forbidden to be in love? "Mother shakes her head at my behavior." You know that I have to report you to the council. " I stare at my mother in disbelief. "You don't mean it!" Tears are forming in my eyes. I am her daughter! How can she do this to me, her own daughter. I get up and look at her, disappointed. Her eyes look coldly into mine: " I thought you learned from my past and you wouldn't make the same mistakes. You disappoint me! " Now I can no longer hold back the tears and let them run free. I'm storming out of our house. I wander around aimlessly in Amphypolis and don't know what to do with myself.

Then I decide to go to Aideen. I don't know how to find her, what she will think of my situation, or whether she will help me at all. But I am totally desperate and completely exhausted.

Meanwhile in Delminum

Today I went on an extensive excursion with Jaro and on the return flight I suddenly see something flashing in the forest below me "Jaro can you land for a moment?" I ask him in my mind. A few seconds later, Jaro is about to land. When we Sitting down gently on the forest floor, I take a deep breath of the scent of the forest. Then I look around. Somewhere here it just shone brightly. I run around in the forest, searching, until I come to a clearing.

I enter it carefully and ... suddenly it seems as if the forest has held its breath. You can no longer hear the chirping of birds, no more rustling and not a single sound. It seems like the forest is holding its breath. And then I see him, the mirror of the future. Black and majestic, it towers in front of me, rather it hovers over the forest floor. I carefully take a few steps towards him.
I see myself in the mirror, my bright red hair flashes at me, blue eyes look cheekily at me and I see my freckles spreading cheekily over my face. But then the picture becomes blurred.

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