one | tea with dionysus

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Mount Olympus was in complete disarray.

Well, most of Mount Olympus, anyways.  The gods argued with each other, sending glares while sat on their thrones.  Those outside the throne room were confused and wanted answers as they ran around, spreading the news about the prophecy that had been spoken just a few hours prior.

In the middle of the chaos stood Pandora, who for the first time in her life wished she was not standing in the throne room amongst the gods.

Pandora loved her scattered visits to the throne room on Mount Olympus.  Typically when she went, it was just her and her father inside.  Sometimes she would see another god or two, but she had never been in the room when all 12 were present.  She had hoped she never had to be in the throne room with all 12 Olympians.  When they are all brought together, it's usually because of something bad.

Although the thing that had happened this morning wasn't bad, it wasn't exactly ideal.  Pandora had heard about prophecies and heard stories about heroes living up to their own, but she had never imagined she'd be the subject of one herself. 

A small part of her was amazed that she, simple, little Pandora, had gotten her own prophecy.  The other huge chunk of her was absolutely terrified, as the prophecy had predicted what she could only assume was her death in the near future.

"The prophecy may not be about Pandora, prophecies take decades to fulfill most of the time." Athena stated, her eyes glued on Apollo.

"This prophecy is straight forward.  The daughter of Apollo alone, what other child does Apollo have that could fulfill that?" Hera questioned, her eyes on Athena.  Athena lowered her shoulders.

The gods continued to bicker, all while Zeus sat on his throne wearing a smug look.

Pandora hated Zeus.

From her birth, if you could call her coming into this world a birth, Zeus did not approve of her life.  Pandora had been given to Apollo as a gift from Aphrodite.  Gods normally did not give gifts as generous as children, but it was what Apollo had wished for, so Aphrodite gifted Pandora to him. 

Pandora was strictly Apollo's child and had similar powers to the gods, though she was not one.  She was not immortal, Aphrodite could not grant her immortality, only Zeus could do that.

Well, technically she could.  So could Apollo.  But Zeus would strip the power from Pandora quicker than any other god could have given it to her, so there was no use.

But he would not.  He did not support the creation of Pandora, and although he could not kill her himself, he sent so much chaos her way most of the gods were surprised she had lived this long.

"Father, if you just simply granted her immortality, this could be avoided.  It doesn't have to-"

"I will do no such thing." Zeus practically spit as he cut Apollo off, a small crackle of thunder booming through the room.

"We cannot intervene with fate." Artemis said in a low voice, her eyes refusing to meet Apollo's.

"There must be some alternative to the prophecy," Dionysus began, his eyes found Pandora's as he continued.  "The last line is leading a hero to die in all their glory.  It doesn't specify Pandora, which in turn means she may survive."

Pandora offered Dionysus a small smile.

"There is no way to know," said Hera.  "But there is no reason to continue.  Pandora is refused immortality, and prophecies are not subject to change."

Nearly all the gods looked toward Pandora with pity.  She was a favorite among them, especially Aphrodite, who had barely spoken a word since the prophecy was told. 

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