three | olympian vs. owl

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Pandora had been the first person to wake up the next morning, far before the sun had risen.  She had grown used to waking up when the moon was still shining, it was her fathers job to raise the sun, after all.

She freshened up in the bathroom and although she wasn't sure if campers were allowed to be out and about before 6 a.m., Pandora left cabin seven to explore Camp Half-Blood.  She sported an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt that Wilbur had grown out of and insisted that she have it to get the 'full camp experience'. 

The 12 cabins made a U formation and were each beautiful in their own way.  By default Pandora decided that cabin seven, her father's cabin, was her favorite. 

One thing she found interesting was the fact that several of the cabins did not have any campers in them, and most likely never would.  Cabins one, two and three were all empty.  Zeus, Hera and Poseidon would not be having any demigod offspring anytime soon.  Especially not Zeus or Poseidon, because of that agreement that they had years and years ago.  Pandora was tired of hearing about that dumb agreement.

Beyond the water that sat at the bottom of the hill, Pandora could see the sun slowly making it's way into the sky above.  She wondered if Apollo would stay tough and leave her for a few days, or break down like he always did and come and see her.  He had attachment issues.

"Every morning, huh?" A voice said, startling Pandora.  She turned to see Wylan leaning against a tree, still half asleep.  He wore flannel pj bottoms and a sleeveless t-shirt and resembled a glowing zombie.

"Every morning." Pandora smiled, as she glanced back up at the sky.  Nearly all of Half Blood-Hill was now engulfed in sunlight.

In the distance, Pandora could see a small dot slowly growing bigger and bigger as the sun rose higher in the sky.  She smiled.  Of course he couldn't stay away, Apollo was a painfully over protective father.

"Thanks for leaving without me," Wilbur groaned as he stumbled into place beside Wylan.  Wylan rolled his eyes and shoved his shoulder into his brother.  Wilbur hit him in retaliation. Pandora wondered if this was what having siblings meant: constantly bickering and fighting, but laughing together when the day ended. 

Campers slowly began to wake up, though only two or three had come outside when Apollo had landed his red Maserati on Half-Blood Hill. 

He hopped out of his chariot and beamed at the sight of Pandora.

"Hiya kid, missed me?" He joked.  "I'm so happy to see that you're not dead I could recite a poem.  I've been working on it all 22 hours and 13 minutes we were apart."

Pandora laughed.  She was happy to see that her father was back to his joking self again - even if it was about her inescapable death.

"Thanks, dad," Pandora said, then turned around to look at Wylan and Wilbur.  Wilbur stood tall with his chin high, while Wylan stayed leaning against a tree, his eyes wide and a large smile spread across his face.

"Ah, my twins!  How are you both?  Camp getting on well?" Apollo asked with a genuine smile.  Pandora gestured for the two to come closer.

"Hello, father.  Camp is great, I'm happy that Pandora has stopped by." Wilbur answered, his voice sounding deeper than usual.

"Yeah, dad, camp's great.  Two days ago I nearly shot Chiron with an arrow - I don't know why I told you that." Wylan quirked his head to the side after spitting all of that out.  Apollo let out a loud laugh in response.

"I would have paid good money to see that.  Well, Pandora, are you ready to return home?" Apollo questioned, his eyebrows raised.

Pandora felt a wave of sadness wash over her.  She had only spent one day at camp with fellow demigods and her half brothers, and she had felt so happy nearly the entire time. 

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