six | pandora's pet

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Sharing a room with three other people was something Pandora was going to have to get used to, when she was typically used to having a room half the size of Hogwarts' Great Hall at home.  After the welcoming feast, Pandora followed the Ravenclaw's back to the Ravenclaw Tower.

She was placed in a room with Padma Patil, Su Li, Lisa Turnip, and Mandy Brocklehurst.  They bombarded her with questions about where she was from, why she came to Hogwarts five years late, why she didn't have a last name, etc.

Of course Pandora could have been honest in saying that she was the daughter of Apollo, but she wanted to lay low for a bit.  She already knew that those who were not of god descent did not truly know the gods existed.  Having to explain that to her peers would be exhausting.

The next morning, Padma Patil led Pandora back to the Great Hall for breakfast, where they received their course schedules for the year.  Today, Pandora had double Charms, double Potions, Divination and Transfiguration.

The only two classes she was unsure whether or not she'd excel in was Charms and Transfiguration. After spending an abundance of time with Circe, she had learned the art of Potion making, and when it came to plants and herbs, Pandora was practically a genius. She wasn't necessarily gifted in Divination, but it was easy enough to make things up to get by in that class.

Basically anything that had to do with a wand would be Pandora's downfall. She was a quick learner - she hoped that would be enough to catch her up on four years of prior knowledge.

"So you've never used your wand before?" Padma asked as she and Pandora ate breakfast together.

"Nope. I dunno how."

"Oh... I'm sure you'll be fine."

Pandora hoped so.

Padma led her to Charms, where Professor Flitwick spoke of O.W.L.'s. Pandora was grateful that he had explained what they were because if he had not, she would have thought they were actual owls. After that, he went on about Summoning Charms for nearly an hour. Before the bell rang, which apparently indicated the end of class, he assigned the class an enormous load of something called homework.

"So," Pandora began as Padma led her to the Potions classroom. "We have to do work outside of class?"

Padma swiveled her head quickly with her eyebrow quirked at Pandora.

"Of course we do. Are you joking?"

"No, why would I be joking?"

"Have you ever attended school before this?"


Padma gave Pandora another questioning look as they entered the Potions classroom. Three girls waved over Padma, leaving Pandora all alone to find a seat.

She looked around the room, seeing that this class was shared with all four houses - it must be split in two sections, she thought. Her gaze eventually landed on Eros, who was already looking toward her with a smile. He waved her over.

"Hiya Pan!" He exclaimed happily. "Why don't you sit with us?"

Pandora looked to Eros' side to see Blaise and Theodore chatting away.

"Sure, thanks." Pandora smiled. She dropped her bag to the floor and took the last seat at their table.

From across the room, she could see the same Gryffindor girl staring at her again. This time she stared back, taking in her appearance. The most memorable thing about her was her frizzy hair, though it didn't compare to the boy that sat beside her.

He had black, seemingly untamable hair and wore rounded glasses. From far away, Pandora could faintly make out what seemed to be a scar on his forehead.

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