fifteen | brothers and dangerous strawberries

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Being back on Mount Olympus made Pandora feel safer than she had since she left the place several months ago.  It felt ridiculously good to be back, even with this whole new prophecy thing hanging over her head.

She decided the first step in figuring everything out was finally telling her father everything that had been happening.  Although she had a good feeling he already knew, he couldn't bring up the subject himself.  Since Pandora was technically a true demigod, the gods couldn't interfere in any sort of quest, especially when it involved a prophecy.

Pandora and Apollo spent the entire first day back together.  They walked through Olympus, Pandora filled in her father on some of her newer friends and how much she had improved in magic, the whole charmspeak ordeal, but held back at first about her recent dreams.

After she rode with her father on his sun chariot to raise the sun the next morning, Pandora decided it was finally time to speak with him about everything. 

"Dad, I've been hiding some important stuff from you." Pandora said with a sigh.

The two sat outside in the sun, their skin tanning perfectly all thanks to Apollo.  He glanced over to her with an out of character serious face.

"And what have you been hiding?" He questioned.

Pandora looked up toward the sky.  She knew that once she finally spoke about it, it would all become real.  It had always been real, but now it would be out in the open.  Now she really had to start taking all of this seriously... she didn't want seriousness.  She wanted to learn how to properly use her stupid wand and pass Transfiguration class.

She took a deep breath in preparation. 

"I had a dream - two dreams, actually.  I've never had one before, and when I mentioned that, the voice said my mind was no longer impenetrable anymore.  He spoke of another demigod at Hogwarts.  I don't have the slightest clue who it is and I honestly didn't look that hard, but he's there."

She turned her head toward her father.  Apollo looked toward the sky, his eyebrows furrowed together as if he was thinking very hard.  Something about the look on his face assured Pandora that he did already know all this. 

"And do you know who it was? In your dreams?"

"Hades." Pandora admitted.  Apollo sighed.

"Yeah... I feared that."

"And that new prophecy, I've got a good lead on it.  Snake and eagle... that's a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw.  I know the demigod at Hogwarts is a son of Hades and now I know he's a Slytherin too," she paused for a moment before she glanced toward her father.  "Did you sense another demigod there yesterday?"

Apollo shrugged.  "Maybe - yeah, I did.  I'm sorry Pandora, I can't give you the answer.  You'll figure it out, I know you will.  Apparently, Olympus is counting on you and this other wizard demigod.  How he stayed under the radar so long... I have no clue.  Hades did a pretty good job of keeping him a secret."

Pandora nodded, "Yeah, he did."

She didn't expect an answer, but Pandora had definitely, secretly hoped for one from her father.  She knew he couldn't, but gods, she just wanted something.  Perhaps it was selfish of her.  Other demigods didn't have it as easy as she had it in the past.  Pandora knew this was a test, though she didn't know what the outcome of acing it would be.

The day passed quickly.  Pandora filled her father in on the second part of her second dream and once again, he already knew.  The second prophecy was somewhat clear to Pandora, but she still needed more.  She needed to find the second demigod, it was the only way to start preparation for whatever was to come.

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