nine | the hog's head

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"We've got another brother! His name is Evander, or Van. I dunno where he is right now, but we'll introduce you soon."

"When will I get a sister?" Pandora teased with a laugh.

Pandora loved her talks with her half brothers, Wylan and Wilbur. In a spur of the moment Iris message just after her last class of the day, the two informed her that a new camper had arrived to camp and was claimed as an Apollo kid.

"Tell dad to get on top of it, then. It'd be nice to have a few more people in this cabin." Wilbur said with a sigh.

"I like camp the way it is," Wylan huffed. "We've practically got the cabin to ourselves. Van is cool though. Pandora, you should come visit over break."

"I'll be there. Will we decorate for holiday?"

"Only if you chop down the tree." Wilbur said under his breath. Pandora rolled her eyes.

The door to her room opened and Padma walked in. She looked toward Pandora and rolled her eyes. Pandora frowned as she turned back to her brothers.

"I've got to go guys, talk soon?"

"A-duh. See ya, Pan!" Wylan said as Wilbur waved and shouted from behind him.

The mist disappeared and Pandora fell backward onto her bed. She glanced over toward Padma.

Pandora got along with all her roommates, but she was fully aware that they were not fans of her demigod activities. They hated Iris messages, and Lisa had made several complaints about the amount of daggers and weapons that Pandora left laying around.

Typically Pandora would shrug it off. All of her belongings were either on her bed or directly beside it, and if she didn't Iris message her dad and brothers, how else would she speak to them? She grew up differently than the others - it frustrated her at times that the others didn't even try to understand that.

Padma looked as if she was in no mood to speak, so Pandora grabbed a hold of her bag and left the dormitories. She headed toward the Great Hall in hopes to grab some dinner and meet up with Eros afterwards.  He promised her help in Transfiguration... she needed it.

As she approached the Great Hall, she saw Hermione walking toward her.  Pandora sighed to herself and prepared for a conversation with Hermione Granger.

"Pandora, I'm happy I found you.  I've been looking for you all afternoon," Hermione said, sounding exhausted.  "Tomorrow at Hogsmeade - you'll be there, right? - we're meeting at the Hog's Head for that Defense Against the Dark Arts thing I mentioned.  You do remember that, right? With Harry?"

"Yes, I remember.  I'll be there, but I don't know where that is.  Or what Hogsmeade is."

"Did you father not sign that paper?"

Pandora thought back.  Her father did sign something about a village... perhaps that is what Hogsmeade was.  She shrugged.

"He did I think.  I'll figure it out and find my way there.  Thanks for letting me know."

Just as Pandora turned around Hermione said, "Oh, and Pandora, please don't mention this to anyone. We're keeping it very small, we don't want the wrong person to hear about it."

Pandora nodded, "Sure, I won't say anything."

Pandora walked past Hermione and into the Great Hall.  She wondered what this DADA thing would be like.  If it was all about defensive things, Pandora was an expert in that.  She's known how to defend herself as early as when she took her first steps.

With a wand however . . .

She hadn't even gotten a chance to try yet, not with that horrible Umbridge women and her no wands in class rule.  Pandora was slightly nervous she would make a fool of herself - she already did in most of her lessons that included mediocre wand work.

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