five | in scotland, hats sing

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It had been nearly two months since the prophecy had been told, and as Pandora walked beside her father in his human form toward Platform 9 3/4, she felt as if it was finally beginning to be fulfilled. She couldn't tell yet if she liked the feeling or absolutely hated it.

Her father was walking with extra pep in his step on the morning of September first. Pandora could only roll her eyes as she watched her father soak in the stares from mortals, though she couldn't pretend that she didn't do the same thing. Being a demigod (and having been created by Aphrodite) did have its perks.

Once Pandora and Apollo reached Platform 9 and 10, Pandora followed the professor's instructions and ran through the wall, which led her directly onto the correct platform. Her father followed in behind.

"Ah, look at all these mortals! I feel a haiku coming."

"Oh gods-"

"Shush. Pandora leaves me, I really just want to cry, oh wait I'm a god. Agh, that wasn't my best work."

"Sounded like bragging to me." Pandora shrugged.

"It was."

Apollo finally turned to face Pandora. He wore a tired looking smile as he grabbed onto her shoulders and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Gods, dad, maybe the prophecy was talking about you killing me." Pandora choked out as her father loosened his grip on her to rub his hand against her hair, making a complete mess of it.

"Iris message me tonight. Got it? And you've got all that weird wizard money, right?"

Pandora nodded. "Got it and yes I do... I'll miss you dad."

Pandora was the one that hugged her father this time bone crushingly tight. For a slight second, she wondered if she was ready for this sudden change.

As she let go of her father and took a look around at all the smiling faces of children her age though, she realized that she was ready for this change. This was Pandora's fate, like it or not. She would face it head on.

Her father helped her load her trunk and two other bags into the second to last compartment on the train. Apollo gave her one last hug, attempted another haiku but failed due to almost crying, and then began to walk off the train.

"I parked the chariot in a no park zone. Pray to your grandfather that I don't get a ticket."

"You think my grandfather would ever grant me a wish?"

Apollo grinned and sent a wink before he disappeared into the crowd of parents and students. Pandora was finally alone.

Well, she was never truly alone. She knew that the gods were always watching. This information comforted her but also creeped her out.

It was fifteen minutes till 11, when the Hogwarts Express would begin its journey to school. Pandora pulled out a small blanket from her bag and made herself comfortable in her compartment, not expecting anyone else to join her.

Then someone joined her.

"Oh, hello." A surprised voice said. Pandora opened one of her eyes to spot a boy with shoulder length black hair. Unlike most of the other students who wore their uniforms, he wore dark jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket.

"Hello." Pandora said, sitting up.

"I didn't mean to disturb you. All the other compartment's are full, do you mind?" The boy asked, as he motioned toward the seat opposite of Pandora.

"No, not at all. Go ahead."

The boy smiled and took a seat. He tossed his small black bag directly beside him and opened it up, digging around before pulling out a battered book.

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