ten | pandora's first dream

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Pandora woke up bright and early Monday morning and got ready for the day in a hurry.  Today she had Potions and Divination, her two favorite classes.  As she descended down the stairs and into the Ravenclaw common room, she noticed Luna, Terry and Anthony staring at something on the notice board.

"Good morning," Pandora said as she approached them.  Terry looked toward Pandora with a smile and Anthony blushed.  "What're you guys looking at?"

Luna turned to Pandora with a frown, "Professor Umbridge knows about our club."

She pointed toward the paper, an 'Educational Decree', and Pandora read it over.  Clubs were disbanded, and only ones that were approved by Umbridge herself could meet.  Umbridge would never allow Hermione's club to fall through.

"Someone's a snitch," Pandora said after she finished reading the decree.  "I've got to find Hermione."

Pandora left the common room and walked to the Great Hall in search of Hermione.  It appeared that several other people had the same idea in mind.  She walked over toward the Gryffindor table and took a seat beside George Weasley.

"Pandora! You shouldn't be here, it'll look suspicious." Hermione said desperately.

"No worries, if I don't want to be seen by the professors, I won't be," Pandora said with a shrug.  Illusions were easy enough to create with enough imagination. Did somebody snitch? Is that why that decree went out?"

"No, we'd know if someone told." Hermione said.

"Well someone knows, that was no coincidence." George said.  Pandora nodded in agreement.

"My bet's on that Slytherin kid," Ron said with a sneer.  Pandora sat up straight immediately.  "He's always hanging around Zabini and Nott, and they are always hanging around Malfoy."

"Ron, I told you, we'd know if he told." Hermione insisted.

"Eros would never do such a thing.  That's a bold accusation of my friend, Weasley." Pandora said with a glare.  The Great Hall dropped in temperature and it was clear everyone felt it.

"Nothing against him, Pan, but he is a Slytherin." Fred stated matter-of-factly.

"And? What's the problem with that?"

Everyone went quiet.  Pandora looked across the table toward Harry, who looked at her with a curious expression. 

Frustrated, Pandora left the table and the Great Hall without having had breakfast.  It left her in an awful mood during Charms class, but she perked up once she was on her way to Potions. 

As she turned the corner, she saw Neville Longbottom being restrained by Harry and Ron.  It almost looked as if he wanted to have a go at Malfoy.  Pandora shook her head and walked past the nonsense and inside the Potions room.  She took her typical seat beside Eros, who looked miserable.

"What's the matter with you?" Pandora asked.

"Clubs.  Cancelled." Eros groaned.  "Everyone's gonna think it's me."

They already do, Pandora thought to herself.  She would never admit that to Eros though.

"Nah, they won't.  That Hog's Head place was really... I dunno.  Weird.  You never know who was in there listening."

Pandora then noticed Umbridge in the corner, her clipboard out and quill in hand.  She groaned.  Umbridge had been going around inspecting professors for a while now.  She was vile.  Although Pandora did not enjoy Snape, even he didn't deserve the way that Umbridge was most likely going to treat him.

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