eighteen | no more judo flipping

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Finding the second demigod at Hogwarts was a lot harder than expected.

Between professors cranking out homework and expectations for the O.W.L.'s, Umbridge being unbearable, D.A. meetings, the entire school freaking out over a mass escape from a wizarding prison Azkaban, and trying to find the demigod, Pandora and Eros were both completely burned out as their third week back at Hogwarts went on.

"So it's not you, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle or Theo." Pandora said as she paced around her room.  Eros sat crisscrossed on her bed, as he had most nights the past few days.  Her roommates didn't mind (mainly because they had no clue about it).

Eros moved around awkwardly before getting comfortable again.  "So that leaves every other Slytherin guy at Hogwarts."

"Gods.  Maybe it's a first or second year.  Monsters don't typically start going after demigods until they are around 13 or so."

Eros shrugged.

"What if there is no other demigod?  Maybe the gods got it wrong."

Pandora winced the way wizards did whenever she or others said the name Voldemort.  No matter how much someone may dislike the gods, you never say they are wrong.  Unless you have a death wish - then you can say they are wrong.

"No... and it's not the gods.  It's the prophecy.  The snake and eagle walk side by side.  That's incredibly self explanatory."

Eros shrugged again.  If Pandora was being honest, he hadn't been much help at all.  She constantly told him that he did not have to feel obligated to help after the first few days, but no matter how uninterested he was, he refused to stop helping.

Pandora was unsure why he grew so touchy whenever she brought it up.  It's not that she didn't want his help - she loved his company and if anyone could help it would be him.  But Eros had been acting so weird these past weeks... he always seemed to be on edge.

"Maybe Hades' kid is actually a girl and not a boy."

Eros fell into a coughing fit.


"Yes.  Oh - that's right, I never even told you about that.  Hades is the god that had visited me in my dreams, telling me to find his child.  Then the whole titan ordeal happened.  Hades never specified the gender of his kid, but the titans said it was a boy.  Maybe they got it wrong."

Pandora continued to talk to herself as she paced around, trying to come up with theories as to why she couldn't seem to find this demigod.  Every time she felt as if she found them, or was at least getting close, she hit a dead end. 

Before Pandora knew it, the time neared 7pm.  She and Eros grabbed their bags and made the trip up to the seventh floor corridor for their D.A. meeting that night.

The stress and frustration Pandora was under did not help in her wizarding abilities.  All of the progress she had begun making before holiday break seemed to have simply vanished.  It was almost as if she was back to square one.  On top of that, Hermione had still insisted on self defense lessons (as if anyone who could shoot a killing curse needed to learn hand to hand combat). 

Since her return to Hogwarts, Pandora had seen less and less of her Gryffindor friends.  They all seemed incredibly caught up in the mass break out from Azkaban, and Harry was too busy drooling over Cho and doing his own thing; this in turn meant that her private lessons in defensive magic were no more.

"I don't even want to go tonight.  If I don't find this demigod-"

"Merlin, Pandora," Eros said in a frustrated tone.  "Enough about this bloody demigod!  Give yourself a break!  Your eye bags are horrible, your magic has gotten worse, and you give me headaches everyday.  Please, I'm begging you, take a week off to help yourself."

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