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Hi friends!

What seems like a very long time ago now, I stopped writing this story and decided to rewrite it to fix the plot.  I then got carried away and completely started from scratch, which took a few months to map out and write with my hectic schedule.

But I'm very glad to say that the first chapter is now up of the rewrite!  If you go onto my account, the story is under the same name, with a new cover.  Pandora's name was changed, as well as much of the plot and story, though the core of it all is still there.  I explain it a bit in the author's note at the end, but I will try to update as often as possible, though I am unfortunately a busy adult (sort of adult? not really?) and I while I am in between jobs now, I'm soon moving to start my new job and will be back to working full-time.

I'm taking this time to write as much as I can and make sure that I like it and it follows the path I have for this new version of the story!  

I hope you all enjoy it if you choose to read it.  I really am liking how it's coming out, and I hope you do too! :)

gia <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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