eleven | no fly list

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It had been a week since Pandora's first ever dream, and she had been completely on edge with the thought of another occurring soon.

Eros had noticed her behavior the past week and brought it up several times, but Pandora always brushed it aside. It was not something she wanted to tell him... she did not want to mix anyone at Hogwarts with her demigod life.

In an attempt to clear her mind, Pandora joined Eros at another Slytherin Quidditch practice. Blaise and Theodore had promised that they would take the two of them up on spare brooms and pass a Quaffle around for a while.

"Did you think of trying out for Ravenclaw's Quidditch team?" Eros asked once the two were comfortably sat in the stands.

"Nah," Pandora said. "I'm a child of Apollo... I don't really miss. It would be unfair."

Eros rolled his eyes playfully.

"Such a show off. I'd like to see this whole 'I don't really miss' thing in action."

Pandora shrugged. She reached out and watched as her bow materialized in her hand, and a quiver of arrows appeared on her back. Eros gasped.

"Merlin, what can't you do?"

"At this rate, I can't pass Transfiguration," she said with a sigh. "Well, what do you want me to hit?"

Eros looked around before he pointed toward a large pole behind the Quidditch stands.

"Hit that, right near the top."

Pandora loaded her bow with an arrow. She focused in on the target, pulled her arrow back, and let it loose. It hit exactly where Eros had pointed toward.

"And you can do that with a Quaffle?"

Pandora nodded.

"You know Ravenclaw would be practically unstoppable if they had you as a Chaser, right? That's insane Pan."

Pandora shrugged with her lips pressed together. Her bow and quiver of arrows disappeared with her motions.

"Not interested. I've got enough on my plate trying to catch up on four years of magic..."

And the fact that I've got a god forcing me to find their demigod child at Hogwarts, Pandora thought to herself.

Feeling the need to keep her hands busy, Pandora summoned a single arrow and began to twirl it around in her hands as she and Eros chatted throughout the entirety of the practice. She watched as the Slytherin team flew around the field.

Quidditch did seem fun, but when Pandora thought about it realistically, she knew it would simply be too much for her. Typically she could handle a lot on her plate at once, but not here. Who would have thought a demigods breaking point would be a place named Hogwarts?

Once practice had finished, Pandora and Eros walked down to the field. Everyone on the Slytherin team had left except for Blaise and Theodore, who had two extra brooms for Pandora and Eros.

Theodora tossed his - with some force - to Pandora. She caught it before it hit her square in the face.

"Thanks, Theo." She said sarcastically.

"Yeah, whatever. You know how to ride these things?"

Pandora hopped on the broom and imagined herself soaring through the air. Just like that, she lifted off the ground and began to fly in circles around the boys. She even let out an unexpected laugh - it was quite fun.

"She's a natural!" Eros said with a laugh, before he hopped on his broom and followed in suit.

Blaise and Theodore followed them in the air. The four tossed around the Quaffle for a bit before Eros insisted on Pandora to take some shots on the hoops. Blaise flew up to fill in as a keeper.

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