twenty | all aboard the sun chariot

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Pandora's mind fizzled from dark, nothingness, to Camp Half-Blood.  Oh good, another dream.

"Prepare for what is coming!  Mr. D, how far are they?" Chiron questioned as he barked orders toward other demigods.

Camp Half-Blood went from nearly empty to completely full.  Demigods ran through the camp in armor as they prepared for the battle that was to come.

Dionysus' face fell.  "No more than a day away."

"We can't count on Pandora anymore.  She should have been here already." Chiron said.

"Don't doubt her." Dionysus responded.

Pandora looked toward cabin seven and spotted Wilbur, who had an arm wrapped around Van.  Pandora couldn't muster up the courage to go over there and hear whatever Wilbur was telling their youngest brother. 

"Chiron, where do you want us to position these catapults?" Xavier Green asked as he popped up out of no where.  In a full suit of Greek armor, he could nearly pass as a god.

"In front of the pine tree on the hill.  The goal is to prevent them from reaching camp... perhaps we should line them up all around the protective barrier?"

Xavier shook his head with a frown, "That was my original plan, but only 5 of the 12 catapults are functional.  Ferdinand and Penny and some of their siblings are doing their best to fix them, but they are pretty beat up."

Chiron sighed.  The sound of a mini explosion and a laugh afterward caught everyone, including Pandora's, attention.  She turned toward the dining area, where Wylan had strapped up an entire quiver of arrows with small explosives.  He had shot one toward the water and it successfully went off.

Xavier rolled his eyes, but Pandora noticed the faint smile that crept up on his face.

Before she could hear more, her vision dissolved away and she woke up. 

Her head throbbed and her insides still felt like mush.  She needed nectar and ambrosia.  Pandora glanced to her side and noticed the school nurse (is that what wizards called it?  Pandora was unsure), Madam Pomfrey, staring at her.

"Hello dear," Pomfrey said with a smile.  "How are you feeling?"

"Nectar," Pandora said with a cough.  "I need - I need nectar and-" she fell into a fit of coughs.  Her entire body began to shake and she felt like she was going to pass out again. 

The only thing that kept her from passing out was the anger that suddenly rose up inside of her as she remembered how she had initially passed out.  The storm spirits, and the person who defeated the final one with a Greek made weapon.

Eros. The person she was closest with. Her best friend. He was the other demigod at Hogwarts and he had the nerve to lie to her face for weeks.

"Nectar?" Pomfrey asked, confused.  Pandora had never been in this much pain in her life.  Her body felt on the verge of convulsing.  The lightening she was struck with felt like it still moved within her body. 

"For healing," Pandora coughed out.  Her hands clutched onto her sheets as the pain grew worse and worse.  Madam Pomfrey rushed around the room as she tried to figure something out to help ease Pandora's pain.

A few moments later, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Eros, and Hermione entered the room.  Eros fell into a fit of panic when he saw the state Pandora was in and Hermione followed in suit.

"What's wrong with her?" He demanded as he rushed over to her.

"She's dying!" Hermione shrieked.

Pandora wanted to be angry with Eros, but when her eyes narrowed in on his blurry face she felt nothing but relief.  She would kill him later if she survived the next few minutes.

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