twenty one | reunited and it doesn't feel good

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Catapults fired and monsters dissolved into dust, but it wasn't enough to keep the monsters from breaching the camp boundaries.  Stray ones ran in and attacked the campers.

Pandora stood on the front line as she slashed through whatever monsters came her way.  From the corner of her eye, she kept a close watch on Eros. 

"For Master!" A cyclops roared as he charged toward Pandora.  

Pandora lunged out of the way, though wasn't quick enough to fully miss the cyclops' blade.  It sliced across her arm and she wailed out in pain.  

When the cyclops came back around, Pandora was ready for him.  When he jabbed his blade at her, she dodged it and got the upper hand, kicking his arm which sent his blade flying several feet from him.  Pandora summoned a gust of wind and knocked the cyclops over with it before putting her blade against its neck.

"Who is your master?" She questioned.

The cyclops laughed, "He will come soon!"

"Who? Kronos? Typhon?" Pandora questioned again, but the cyclops fell into more fits of laughter.  With a loud yell of frustration, Pandora let her sword slice into the cyclops.  It dissolved into a pile of smelly dust.

She then glanced back toward the camp.  It wasn't too bad, she thought to herself.  Bailey and Eros were standing away safely, guarding the entrance of the Big House.  Pandora hoped no monsters would bother with them.

Another monster beside her dissolved into dust.  She looked over to see Xavier Green smiling at her.

"So, what?  Kronos and Typhon sent this army? Aren't they in Tartarus?" He questioned.

Pandora shrugged, "I know nothing, Green - well, I do know that there is a dracaena coming up behind you."

Xavier twirled around and killed the dracaena with ease, then sending a playful wink toward Pandora before running back off into battle.  

Campers fought bravely.  Pandora only stopped fighting when Yaz Rivers, a  child of Aphrodite, fell in battle and needed to get to the infirmary.  She carried her all the way there and set her down on a cot.  Pandora's brother, Van, had been stationed in there.  Being a child of Apollo typically meant you had basic healing powers, and Van was the best of all Apollo kids at camp.  Pandora was just happy he stayed out of harms way.

She ran back into battle and fought beside Wilbur and Helena, a daughter of Ares.

Half-Blood Hill was in complete chaos.  Right when Pandora felt like the demigods had an upper hand as the monsters fell in numbers, she noticed another wave of the army marching up the hill.  She turned toward Wilbur, who stared toward the next wave with fear.

"There's no way we can win." He said, his voice fragile. 

"We have to." Pandora said as confidently as she could. 

"You, you, and you!" Helena said as she pointed toward Xavier, Wilbur, and Pandora.  "Come with me to the next wave, the others can handle the rest from the first!"

Pandora didn't know Helena well, but she didn't bother questioning or fighting her plan.  Instead, she charged the hill and the next wave of monsters beside the three other demigods.  

While her sword slice through monsters in one hand, her other hand tossed balls of fire toward whatever monster dared to get close.  

"You are all so tired!  You'd much rather go home than fight us!" Pandora sung out in attempts to convince the monsters around her to stop fighting.  A few telekhines and empousai that surrounded Pandora began to walk away.

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