fourteen | bad news, bad news, good news

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Pandora had only seen this place before once, in her first dream. The room was dark and empty, all except a small blue flame that burned a few feet from her. She was in her pajamas, a simple golden silk set that her father had Athena create for her.

She couldn't remember how she had gotten there. The last thing she remembered was getting into bed after the final D.A. meeting of the year. Pandora had wanted to thank Harry for all he had helped her with the past month... but he had been too busy speaking with Cho.

You haven't found my child yet, a familiar voice said. I have been waiting.

Pandora's body tensed.

"And I have been looking." She lied confidentially.

A lie. You have been so focused on yourself you haven't given the fact that there is another demigod among you a second thought. You think too much like a god.

"Well, I did grow up beside gods-" The ground shook in annoyance. Pandora decided it was no time for sarcasm. "Okay, okay! It hasn't been my top priority, but it will be when I return after the holiday break. You can't blame me for focusing on myself. I suck at all this magic stuff."

The voice laughed, And my child does not. You could help each other if only you knew the truth. You delay your real task.

"Wait, what?" Pandora questioned.

But she never got her answer. Instead, the room dissolved and sent Pandora free falling into complete nothingness. She tried to summon wind to slow her down, but nothing worked. She closed her eyes and tried to force herself awake.

Her feet hit the ground softly. The ground felt like mush beneath her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked down. Pandora wanted to scream.

The ground was a mix of black and dark purple. It pulsed as if it had a heart... as if it had a mind of its own. Pandora reached for her dagger but it wasn't there. She had forgotten she was only in her pajamas.

The area around her was dark, only lit up by various fires here and there. She could hear snarls and growls from various monsters that couldn't be much farther than a dozen or so feet away from her.

Pandora plucked up the courage to explore this place. She had an awful feeling she knew where she was, but there was no way in telling with no one around.

She had to follow her instincts as she walked since she was doing it practically blind. If she held out her hand far from her face, she could barely see it in what seemed to be endless darkness.

Finally, after minutes of walking, she began to hear voices.

"-only shot!" Pandora heard a voice finish.

She froze and instinctively crouched down.

"The boy is not even in America, he cannot be your only way of reawakening."

"This is true, but she will be our answer. She will bring him right to us."

"But the other boy... there is no doubt he will submit to your power. Why not wait the few extra years? It will do no harm."

"Do not question my plan! I will do what I think best. The son of Hades will journey to America with the daughter of Apollo sooner or later and when he does I will convince him to reawaken me. If not him, there is that other demigod that could work... but the son of Hades is my best chance now."

Pandora slowly got to her hands and knees and began to crawl toward the voices. She needed to see who this was, she needed answers. Why did these things speak of her? She knew of no other daughter of Apollo not in America.

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