two | twins of apollo

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It had been nearly two weeks since the prophecy of Pandora had been spoken and things were completely normal. No quest had presented itself, and Pandora couldn't help but think that perhaps she really wasn't who the prophecy was talking about.

After spending so much time on Mount Olympus listening to Dionysus complain about Camp Half-Blood, Apollo agreed to let Pandora visit for a few days. He also insisted on driving her while rising the sun, so Pandora arrived to Camp Half-Blood in a cherry red Maserati.

"When will you be home?" Apollo questioned, a slight edge to his voice.

"I'll just stay for a day or two if that's alright?" Pandora said.

Apollo nodded, pressed a kiss to her forehead, and flew off while he continued to raise the sun.

Pandora then turned toward the camp, getting a good look at it. It was quite big, had one large house that she assumed Dionysus lived in, and nearby had 12 cabins in the same U shape as the 12 thrones on Mount Olympus.

She only then realized that she would most likely be meeting some half siblings while being there. Perhaps she did not think this one through.

Pandora was well aware that her father had other children. She was also aware that she was blatantly his favorite. Out of everything he could have asked for from Aphrodite, he asked for a daughter. He asked for Pandora. She lived with him on Mount Olympus and rose the sun with him in the morning and shot arrows with him in the afternoon. Most of his other children had never even met him.

"Ah, Pandora, you're here." A voice said. Pandora turned toward the large house and watched Dionysus emerge from it, followed by a centaur that Pandora could only guess was Chiron. She also noticed other campers beginning to leave their cabins.

"Hello Dionysus," Pandora smiled, letting herself hug Dionysus. As she let go, she took in his appearance. "This is slightly different than your Mount Olympus attire."

Dionysus looked down toward his leopard-striped Hawaiian shirt, cargo shorts, and purple running shoes. He shrugged.

Pandora also noticed that he altered his appearance. Typically, Dionysus was devastatingly handsome, though here, Pandora couldn't say the same. He was still handsome, but not in the same way.

"This is Chiron, Chiron, this is Pandora, daughter of Apollo."

"Yes, I know who she is. Hello Pandora, it is a pleasure to meet you finally."

Pandora smiled and shook Chiron's hand, before she finally noticed that dozens of campers now had their eyes on her.

Chiron stepped up beside her and cleared his throat, "Campers, this is Pandora, daughter of Apollo. She will be spending a short amount of time here at camp with us. I expect you all to welcome her kindly."

The campers all kneeled, which Pandora was not expecting. She laughed awkwardly.

"Well, off to your daily campers!" Chiron announced, before the campers dispersed and began chatting amongst themselves about their activities for the day.

"Honestly, I don't know why you wanted to visit this place. There is nothing to do." Dionysus stated, earning an eye roll from Chiron.

"I just wanted to be around more people like... me. Demigods." Pandora admitted.

Dionysus frowned.

Chiron led Pandora toward the archery range. Pandora had never told Chiron she enjoyed archery, though she guessed that Chiron picked archery as she was a daughter of Apollo.

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