sixteen | prophecy deciphering squad

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"Here's what we know."

Pandora watched as Wilbur wrote down bullet points of everything that she and her siblings had figured out about the new prophecy.

She sat on Wylan's bed in the middle of him and Evander. Wylan had borrowed a chalk board from the Athena cabin and rolled it into cabin 7 after breakfast that morning. Since Pandora would be leaving later that night, the Apollo kids decided it would be best to figure out as much as they can before Pandora leaves for a few days.

"The eagle is Pandora," Wilbur wrote messily. "The snake is some other Slytherin demigod from Hogwarts," he added.

"We only have until the end of August to stop whatever is coming." Van chimed in.

"Our father and the other gods have to help us, or else we will probably fail." Pandora added.

"How about what we don't know?" Wilbur suggested.

"Everything else." Wylan groaned.

Pandora thought for a moment. They would find out eventually...

"We know one more thing," Pandora said quietly. Her brothers all turned to her with confused looks on their faces. "Time and water. Kronos and Typhon. That's what we're fighting against here."

Wylan looked as if he was holding in a laugh, Wilbur's face turned pale like a ghost, and Van looked confused.

"Titans?" Van asked curiously. "Aren't they dead?"

Pandora frowned, "Sorta. Titans don't really ever die, they just cease to exist for a bit and then turn up. Well, it's more complicated than that, but there's no point in trying to explain it. I had a dream of Kronos and Typhon speaking of using a demigod that's not in America to help them rise from Tartarus."

"You're a demigod that's typically not in America." Wylan stated.

"I know, but it's not me. It's the other demigod at Hogwarts. Kronos mentioned me... he said I'll be the one to bring the other demigod here. If I can find out who it is in time, I can probably stop him. I just don't know what Slytherin it could possibly be."

Wilbur shrugged, "Any monsters attack any other students?"

"No, which is what I don't understand. It should be obvious. He's a child of Hades-"

The three boys gasped.

"A child of Hades? One of the big three?" Wylan said, clearly shocked.

"How is he not dead? Without making it to camp by now, he should be dead with all the monsters that should have come after him!" Wilber exclaimed.

Wylan and Wilbur continued to speculate how the boy was still alive. Pandora thought about it herself - how had this kid survived? How hadn't monsters come to kill him when he was a child of Hades?

"Maybe Hades is protecting him?" Van suggested.

Pandora sat on that thought for a moment.

"He definitely has the power to do so... but aren't gods not supposed to interact with their children much?"

"Says you," Wilbur said with a laugh. "You're a demigod and you live on Mount Olympus."

Pandora groaned in annoyance. "That's not what I meant. It's just - gods technically aren't supposed to play major roles in their demigod kids lives. If Hades is shooing away monsters from his kid, doesn't that make him extremely important somehow?"

Wilbur nodded slowly.

"That's the only way this whole thing makes sense. Why else would a god intervene so much?"

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