nineteen | she can fly, she can fly

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Pandora sat up in her seat, startled.  McGonagall stared down at her; Pandora looked around and noticed the classroom was now empty.

"What?  Where is everyone?". Pandora asked.  Was this another dream?  No... McGonagall spoke directly to her.  Had she fallen asleep in class?

"Class ended, I've already dismissed everyone.  I don't tolerate this sort of behavior, but I will allow you to explain yourself."

Pandora rubbed her eyes and fought back a yawn - now was not the time. 

The past two days she had barely gotten any sleep.  Maybe an hour or so nap here and there, but never a solid, full night of snoozing away soundly in her bed.  Pandora had been searching for the demigod and trying to figure out a way to get herself to camp.  She planned on asking her father to borrow the sun chariot later that day.

"Sorry Professor. I've just been, uh, stressed."

McGonagall gave an oddly knowing look.

"I understand that, Pandora, but that doesn't give you a free pass to take a power nap in my class. Now, are you going to give me the honest answer or are you going to continue being ridiculously vague?"

McGonagall started to sound like Dionysus. That guy could read Pandora like a book.

Pandora shrugged, "It's demigod related stuff. I don't want to speak of it, but it's crucial I figure something out this week."

"More crucial than your grades?"

Pandora thought back to her dream. Chiron telling Xavier and Bailey to contact every demigod they could, her brothers in armor...

"More crucial than anything, professor. It's difficult, I can't explain."

"Well is there anything I could do to be of any help?"

For a second, Pandora felt like smiling at her professor. McGonagall was strict and her face was nearly always stern, but the look she gave Pandora now was full of concern... full of care. She felt compelled to say yes just to please McGonagall, but what did her professor know about stopping an evil army of mythical creatures from destroying her camp?

She shook her head, "I'm afraid you can't. It's something I must deal with as a demigod, it's my duty."

McGonagall rolled her eyes. "Your duty is to get a good nights sleep and study up for your O.W.L.'s. Not to burden you any more, but at this rate, you will not make it into my N.E.W.T. course for next year."

In all honesty, Pandora could care less about that. All she wanted to continue with was Potions and Divination, but for some reason that news still stung. Perhaps she had grown too fond of McGonagall.

"I'm sorry professor McGonagall. I'll, I'll do better."

McGonagall frowned. "Do take care of yourself. Now off you go, you'll miss dinner."

Pandora grabbed her bag and trudged off to the Great Hall. Her eyelids felt extremely heavy, as they did most hours of the day.

She had made zero progress. There was little hope left inside of Pandora that she would find the demigod before the army marched on Half-Blood Hill, and she would make the journey alone. Either way Pandora would go, but it seemed as if bringing this child of Hades was crucial.

As she entered the Great Hall, she ignored the stares and took a seat beside Luna at their table.

"You look lovely." Luna complimented. Pandora cracked a smile.

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