seventeen | return to hogfarts

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Pandora spent Christmas day with her father. They opened gifts, ate too many candy canes and enjoyed each others' company. Although Pandora was still frustrated with her father, she didn't want to waste much time being angry or arguing with him. When away, she missed him dearly.

The nine Muses joined the two for Christmas dinner. Thalia, the muse of comedy, made Pandora laugh so hard that eggnog came out of her nose. Her father, being the jerk he was, got a perfect photo to capture the elegant moment. He hung it on the fridge. Pandora, in return, told him his poetry sucked.

After dinner had ended, Terpsichore, the muse of dance, began to dance as Apollo and Euterpe, the muse of music, sang together. Pandora clapped along and eventually began to dance alongside Terpsichore, making everyone laugh with her horrible moves.

For a while, she forgot about everything else and all that mattered was that exact moment: the present. She laughed and sang and danced horribly with her father and the nine Muses, and even after the Muses left she and her father continued to laugh and joke together until Pandora could barely keep her eyes open.

The next few days went by quickly. Pandora made her rounds around Olympus, visiting her family that actually enjoyed her company (Zeus and Hera were not on the list). She had had breakfast with Ariadne nearly every morning, where they spoke of Hogwarts and also Dionysus.  He couldn't come up and visit for the holidays because Zeus was a jerk.

She also got to spend some time with Aphrodite, who immediately asked how her charmspeak was going.  After that, they went into New York City together to shop and get brunch.

"How about you forget about Hogfarts and stay home?" Apollo suggested the morning that Pandora was scheduled to return to school.

She sighed, "Hogwarts, and no, it's literally my fate dad.  Aren't you supposed to be the god of prophecies?"

"I know what I said.  And I'm the god of a lot of things, right now I'm more into the title god of awesomeness."

"Yeah, I'm definitely heading back to school after that comment."

Apollo groaned in defeat.  Pandora had noticed that Apollo acted more like her brothers than he did a father at times.  Most of the time. He was good at being a dad in the worst way possible, but Pandora still loved and appreciated him regardless.

She returned to Hogwarts in the sun chariot. Once she arrived, Pandora kissed her father on the cheek as a goodbye, hopped out of the chariot, and marched inside. It was obvious the other students weren't due back to school for another few hours, as the halls were completely empty.

The Ravenclaw common room was quiet, like always. Pandora returned her stuff to her room, tidied up a bit, and then left the Ravenclaw Tower with a notebook and regular pen in her hands. She needed to brainstorm a bit without her brothers around to pester her.

After some exploring, she decided one place where she most likely would not be bothered today would be the Astronomy Tower.  She made her way up the steps and took a seat on one of the ledges, her notebook sprawled out on her lap. 

She wore a brown, comfy sweater that Aphrodite had pronounced 'hideous', but Pandora liked it.  Her jeans were an old pair that were so worn they were starting to fade.  The cold air from the harsh winter wind would have typically bothered her in this outfit, but with a small amount of power summoning light, she felt comfortably warm.

In her notebook, Pandora scribbled down what Wilbur had written on the chalkboard a week or so prior.  Her brothers (and Xavier Green) had helped her with the prophecy, now it was her job to find the demigod at Hogwarts.

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