seven | maniac for haiku's

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News of the chimera spread around Hogwarts like a wildfire. By the end of that day, the entire school couldn't stop talking about Pandora and who she really was. This is exactly what she wanted to avoid.

That had been nearly three weeks ago now. It was late one morning, Pandora's roommates had already left for breakfast. She reached into her trunk at the edge of her bed and pulled out a golden drachma.  Typically finding a mist for an Iris message was difficult, but from a young age Pandora learned how to control the elements.  She held out her free hand and conjured a mist of water out of thin air.

"Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering."

Pandora threw the golden drachma into the mist.  A moment later, her father's face popped up.

"Pandora! My sweet darling gift of a daughter, how're ya?"

"Tired of this place.  For a demigod, I'm not that good at magic."

Her father waved his hand dismissively, "Psh, you're fine at magic.  You're great at magic.  You always use it around the house."

"But that's demigod magic, dad," Pandora sighed as she flopped back onto her bed.  "This is wizard magic.  With a wand.  Which is basically just a stick.  I'm so behind in everything and it has only been three weeks. Professors can tell when I use my demigod magic rather than theirs, too.  It's weird."

Apollo shrugged, "You'll get it soon enough kid.  Anyways, made any new friends? Slain anymore chimera's?"

"I have a friend.  Eros.  I keep telling you that he's the only friend I need.  This girl keeps following me around and asking me questions about being a demigod, but she's been more of a nuisance than a friend so far."

"You're telling me people know that you're my daughter, and none of them want to be your friend?"

Pandora rolled her eyes at her father.  It was the complete opposite - everyone knew she was a daughter of Apollo and wanted to be her friend (there were a few exceptions, some people despised the sight of her).  She became the most popular student at Hogwarts after having slain one stupid chimera.  None of these people seemed to want to be her friend beforehand, though.  Only Eros, and unfortunately Hermione Granger.

"They see me as some sort of god."

"You are."

"I know," Pandora sighed again. "Well, I've got to go to breakfast.  I have that Defense Against the Dark Arts class first thing.  The professor is a nightmare.  Reminds me of my grandfather."

Thunder clapped outside of the walls of Hogwarts.  Apollo rolled his eyes and Pandora laughed.

"See ya later, kid.  I miss ya and so does everyone else here."

Pandora smiled at her father and blew him a kiss before the mist faded away.  She stood up off her bed, grabbed her bag and left her room. 

The Great Hall was mostly empty when she had arrived.  She was running terribly late, so she grabbed a chocolate chip muffin to go and began the walk toward Umbridge's room.

Pandora couldn't say she was a fan of Dolores Umbridge.  She was a mean woman who thrived off of power, it reminded Pandora of her grandfather... if her grandfather was a short woman who wore nothing but the color pink.

She made it to the classroom with about a minute to spare.  She took her seat beside Michael Corner, a fellow Ravenclaw, and tossed her bag on the ground.  Just as she was about to take a bite from her muffin, it disappeared.  Pandora looked toward the front of the room, where Umbridge wore a smile with her arm lifted in the air, her wand in her hand.

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