four | Ugly with a capital U

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"So you're going to a magical school?"


"Where these... witches and wizards... will teach you magic with a... wand?"


"Why would you ever want to do that?"

Pandora slumped her shoulders and gave a tired look toward Aphrodite. 

Later on the night of July 30th, Apollo had called to Hermes to deliver Pandora's letter to Hogwarts.  The same owl still followed Hermes and made several grabs for the letter. 

It now neared the end of August, and Pandora would soon be leaving for this new school.  She had never attended school before and was somewhat excited about it all. 

"You're packed, I presume?" Aphrodite questioned, one eyebrow raised.

Pandora's mouth thinned into a firm line.

"I can only pack one trunk of clothes-" Aphrodite gasped.  "Do you know how hard it is to pack lightly?  Not to mention I've got to wear a uniform all year, it's a boring black cloak, or robe, or whatever, and it's Ugly with a capital U."

"Oh, my sweet, why did you agree to this."

Pandora shrugged, "I dunno. I guess the prophecy persuaded me.  My father and I guessed this must be my quest."

Pandora hadn't seen Aphrodite since the day the prophecy had been told. From what her father had told her, Aphrodite was genuinely upset over the events of the past month or so.  Even Ares couldn't get her to stop moping around her mansion most days. 

Finally, though, as Pandora's time on Mount Olympus began to run out for the year, Aphrodite had come to visit.  She sat in Pandora's room with her, studying the mess that Pandora had made while attempting to pack light.

Aphrodite stayed for a while before leaving, but not before insulting Pandora's new uniform for what seemed to be the hundredth time.  Pandora laughed every single time - it was boring and bland, it had every right to be called ugly.  Pandora was happy that Aphrodite had given her looks that weren't boring or bland... otherwise she was sure Aphrodite would have no trouble calling Pandora ugly directly to her face.

One morning the last week of August, a small mist of a rainbow appeared in Pandora's room as she attempted to stuff her favorite silk dresses into her already-too-full trunk. 

An Iris messege.

She jumped up from her trunk to hurry over to it and immediately noticed the faces of Wylan and Wilbur.

"Pandora? Can you see and hear us?" Wilbur asked, though his voice was louder than a shout.

"Yes, I can see and hear you just fine," Pandora laughed.  "To what do I owe the pleasure, boys?"

"Well, Mr. D told us you're definitely going to that wizard school, and you're leaving next week.  We just wanted to check in," said Wylan with a shrug.  "How's that going?"

"It's okay.  My aunt just left after insulting my uniform."

"Who's your aunt?"



Pandora still constantly forgot that speaking so nonchalantly about the gods and having relationships with them was something foreign to most other demigods.

"We don't wanna keep you, just wanted to say goodbye really.  And good luck. Promise you'll try to visit us next summer?" Wylan said hopefully.

"Of course, you know I'll be there.  I'll bring my camp shirt to Hogwarts to commemorate my one day spent on Half-Blood Hill." Pandora joked.

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