Chapter 6

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I forgot to dedicate to hibernation for the first comment beside my friends. Soooo......dedicated to hibernation :)



My stomach was grumbling so loud throughout the shop. It was 1:30. We came to the mall after the cafe, more like Scarlett dragged me here. So after all she did have other plans.

In the cafe, she asked me if there's someone I like. Lately, I myself have been asking that question and each time the 'no' answer confused me more than before. So, I just reassured her that I will tell her when there is.

Unfortunately, I had just drank half of a hot chocolate when she pulled me from there and here we are.

She's been dragging me to almost all kinds of shops in this HUGE mall for the past hour and half and I'm hungry as hell. I texted the address of the mall to Niccolo. I doubted he knew the address as he was new and boys don't go to mall so much. Right?

When I told Scarlett that Niccolo was picking me up, she gave a one hour lecture of why friends should tell each other if they're going on a date. So imagine me: hungry as a hippo( does that even make sense?), listening to a one hour lecture and wandering aimlessly around the mall.Pathetic, right?

"Scarlett. For the tenth time, I AM NOT GOING ON A DATE."

"No no no. You don't know the basic definition of it. And trust me, if you two like each other and are going somewhere, it's considered a date."

"Whoa! Great knowledge, Scarlett." I replied sarcastically, dragging my feet around the mall.

My phone beeped twice showing a new message from Niccolo.

Come outside.

Finally! I told Scarlett that I had to go and slipped out of the shop before she could protest.

As I came outside, Niccolo was leaning against a sleek black BMW convertible in all his glory. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt with faded jeans. Shades were balanced on the tip of his nose while he was peering at me. He wore a black hat, slanted. All in all, he looked gorgeous but I wasn't going to tell him that. It will only inflate his ego.

While he was mostly black, I was wearing a rainbow coloured sundress which Scarlett made me wear. I had two dresses in the bags I was carrying as I walked towards him.

"Hey." I said but looked around when somebody gasped. There were some girls staring at him and giving me an evil eye just like in school. I sighed. I guess I have to get used to this if I hangout with Niccolo.

"Hey" I snapped my attention to him. "Ready to go?"

I nodded and went to keep my bags in the back seat.

The ride to the library was quick and normal. We just debated on cats vs. dogs. That's normal, right?

"That's where you're wrong. Dogs are man's best friend." He said, getting out of the car.

I crossed my arms and said,"Well, cats are woman's best friends." Well, I've never heard that before but I had to tell something to defend cats. I loved cats though mom hasn't allowed to keep one.

He raised his eyebrows, disbelievingly, but then he said,"Oh. So that's why girls' walk and fights are called catwalks and cat fights."

Oooo. Must be. I'd never thought of that but I answered nonetheless. "Of course. You should've known that by now. "

He walked inside the building and I followed behind. We walked to the librarian and Niccolo gave the description of the books he needed.

We walked to a table behind a bookshelf and sat down. He started getting engrossed in the books with interest. I never thought he was the reading type.

After a while I got bored watching him read the books so, I went to get my own book in the romance section. When I turned, Niccolo was right in front of me.

He stared at my eyes as if searching a solution of a problem there. His both hands were beside my head and I was pressed against the bookshelf. Slowly he began leaning into me and I closed my eyes.Butterflies, moths and every insect I know started flutterring in my stomach. Not literally, but you know what I mean.

Just as our lips were about to touch, an unfamiliar ringtone made us jerk our head towards the source, Niccolo's phone.

He looked at me once before going to a corner and answering the phone. I wanted to hear what he was saying but I didn't want him to think of me as a creepy stalker.

He talked something into the phone and waited for the answer. Suddenly, he looked up and stared at me with cold eyes. I was taken aback. He, then, broke our eye contact andspoke something into the phone and closed it.

He stayed there for a moment, looking at the floor but then shook his head as if he was throwing thoughts out of his head.

He came to me with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "It's time to go.", he said went to take his books to the librarian. I followed him to his car.

"Are you okay?", I asked, worried. Never has Niccolo been this quiet.

"I'm okay." He took a deep breath. "Look, we didn't kiss so, don't make a big deal about it, okay?" With that, he sat in the car and waited for me to get in. The hurt that I felt clearly showed on my face but he refused to look.

We were silent the whole ride. My heart was hurting bad clearly showing that I like him. I can't deny it anymore.

But he thought that it was a mistake. So, I didn't even look at him when the car stopped and I went home with my bags. I slammed the front door shut and quickly went upstairs to my room before my mother saw me.I cried for a while then tried to calm myself.

This was not supposed to happen. He came forward to kiss me and he told me to forget about it.

Then something dawned on me. He changed after the phone call. Could it be because of the call?



So how was it? Who could the call have been from? Mysteries. And if anyone wants somebody else's POV other than Los, then comment.

That's right. All I can say for you all is to



Fan! :)

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