Chapter 26

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"Stop it!", I screamed at them. Many muscled men were attacking him at once. Niccolo had muscles too but he was nothing compared to ten freaking hulks!

Zack was there just smirking so much that it made me want to punch his face. So I did.

Glad he was too engrossed in watching Niccolo get beaten.

He was shocked to say the least but then got enraged when he saw who hit him. "You bi-", he started, covering his nose which didn't even bleed and probably hurt less than my fist, to be honest.

 I glared at him. "I want you to stop them right now!"

His face then turned into an amused one. "And why would I even do that? If your slow brain couldn't process a thing I told you then listen, I am not your boyfriend so I don't give a damn about what you want, okay?", he mocked, speaking each word slowly as if I had a difficulty in hearing.

"You can't play fair, can you? You know you're weak and that's why you can't fight alone. It's because you never win playing alone." I checked his reaction.

But it never changed.

"Not exactly. I was left alone long ago, having to fight every difficulty on my own. Now,", he shrugged,"I'm just taking advantage of having these men on my side."

He's such a cruel person. Just because something bad happened to him-

Suddenly it clicked into place.

"You were the friend that Niccolo left, weren't you?", I asked him.

His eyes darkened. "None of your busin-"

I slapped my forehead. "Of course you were! How could I not have seen it!?"

"No I wasn-"

"You were the one. He was the one all along? Zack?" By this time, I was murmuring to myself.

Niccolo groaned. "Hello? I'm still here, Los. Definitely not a good time to give yourself a prep talk."

I saw him dodge a kick just as I turned around. Without thinking, I went in the middle of the fight and hugged Nic. I saw a fist coming so I quickly closed my eyes.

"Stop! Enough of that! We need them both alive.", Gabriel's voice stopped them.

"If you're going to kill him anyway then why not just beat him to death.", Zack muttered. Gabriel, clearly, heard it because he shot Zack a look and Zack immediately quietened.

"Tell the guards to lock them up.", he said as he went out of the room.

"Hey not this cell again!", I whined as I got pushed to the cold, hard floor.

The door slammed shut but I banged on the door. " Don't you people have another room! You miser! It's not like you can't afford another room! There's not even a tv here!", I scolded through the door while Niccolo laughed behind me.

I spun around and faced him, putting my hands on my hips and cocking it to the side. "What do you thing you're laughing at?"

"The thing I'm laughing at is," he said, trying to control his laughter,"We're stuck as prisoners here and all you can tell them is to give you a better room? And I don't think they consider locking you up in a room with a tv as a good punishment."

I sighed and slumped on the floor with him. We both kept quiet for a while because we both had something on our minds.



"Do you know why Gabriel's doing this?", I asked him and felt him stiffen beside me.

"I'm sorry, Los. I dragged you into my problems. Are you cold, right now?", he asked. He was trying to change the subject. And I let him for once because I didn't want to even imagine what he was feeling.

I nodded. "A little."

I heard him sigh and I was immediately enclosed by two warm arms. He rested his chin on my shoulder and we stayed like that, sitting comfortably and resting our minds for atleast a while.

"I just don't know, Los. I just don't.", he murmured into my hair and I rested my back against his chest, slowly slipping into unconciousness.

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