Chapter 17

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"Another one?" I sighed.

"Yup. What did you think I was going to do in the library? Sit here, hold your hand and smile at you?", he replied, smirking at me.

As you can guess, I blushed. That was exactly what I hoped for.

I scoffed. "You wish"

He laughed as he threw another book on the table. There were, now, five thick books on the table that according to him were the 'keys' to complete the assignment successfully.

"Are you sure you need five books?" I gave an incredulous look as I looked at one of the books. There were no pictures! None.


"Now, it's six", he said, looking proudly at the books lying on the table as if he had done a great deed picking the books. He sat down opposite of me.

I watched in awe as he read the books like a machine scanning and wrote down the notes. Only two pages of his notebook were filled when he finished four books. As for me, I've never had the ability to summarize that much information in that little space.

Even his handwriting was neat. Mine was clumsier than any child's. His was just perfect. Speaking of perfect, I just loved staring into his mesmerizing grey eyes. And his full lips that looked like they had been through lots of care. It was just......


Wait, how did he know? Don't tell me he can read minds. If he could then my thoughts will have to be restricted and would have to stay pure. That would be difficult. Noooo......

I looked up but I saw him smiling at his notebook. What? He called his notebook 'perfect'?

"All work's done." He also looked at me, "Is it fine?"

Oh! His work. His work was perfect. I had been so lost in my own thoughts that I forgot what we came here for.

I pretended to be happy by his work though I didn't understand anything, and nodded approvingly. "It's fine."

"Then lets go" He stood up and grabbed two of the books.

"What are those for?" I jerked my chin towards the books.

He looked at his books momentarily and looked back at me. "Nothing. Just for some research."

I nodded and followed him to the librarian. As he talked to the librarian, something caught my eye. One of the books that he was holding had lots of papers folded in between the pages. And the papers looked old and some work torn at the corners.

I turned to Niccolo. "Hey Nic, that book has lots of pieces of paper in it. I'm sure you don't want that so, I'll take it out....." I reached out for the book but he hid the book behind him.

"No. I'll take them out later. I don't want these pieces just falling around and keeping the library dirty. I'll just throw them later at home."

I just nodded and took no further notice of it.

We had missed the first class after lunch but I didn't care anymore. Cayden had already ruined my perfect record.

We went to our next class together. Alice raised an eyebrow at me as we walked in together but I just shrugged. I didn't want to explain to her before I told Zack.

The rest of the day went almost normal. Almost being the keyword because Zack wasn't at school the whole day and so, I didn't have any ride to home. Scarlett left with Brendon and Cayden with Alice.

Well, it was a fifteen minutes walk, anyways, so I started walked home.......well, I was walking home when a familiar horn beeped from a car beside me.

"Seems like your douchebag boyfriend didn't drop you today", Niccolo shouted to me. Shouted. Can't he be a little quiet?

I had told him today about how I heard his argument with Zack. He just dismissed it saying 'time will reveal everything' but since then he found it no longer important to hide his hate, jealousy, or whatever it was with Zack, infront of me.

"He wasn't present today. And it's not like he's my chaffeur or anything!", I shouted back, though his car was only a few metres away.

"Then why don't I drop you, ma'am?" He tried to speak in a british accent but failed miserably.

I chuckled. "I'm not sure. I don't want to be a trouble for you, sir", I replied in the same british accent.

He seemed surprised but opened the door for the passengers seat for me. "Wow, you speak really well in that accent."

I shrugged. "Well, I used to move and travel a lot, with my family. So, I've stayed a couple of times in parts of England."

I debated on getting in the car or not but walking alone was boring so, I went in without any more thoughts.

"You're lucky! Or are you just rich?", he asked as he moved the car again.


"Nah, I won't call myself rich.....on second thoughts, I maybe kinda rich. It's just that all that the word 'rich' reminds me of are those snobby, obnoxious and high people everyone meets once in a lifetime. Well, you're one to talk. You'd be a hypocrite if you call me rich when you have that grand mansion of yours."

He gave me a confused look before realization set in his face. "Oh that. That is my guardian's house."

Oh. But isn't that his house, too, then?

As if he knew what my next question would be, he said,"It's a bit complicated."

He hesitated on saying something but then, I guess, decided not to say, because he closed his mouth again.

I was going to force him into telling but then remembered something. "Your sister......but you had a brother....."

He nodded as if he understood what I was asking. Maybe he did understand.

"The one you saw isn't my sister. I don't have a sister as you know. She is another kid my guardian's taking care of. There are other kids, too, but she was the one I grew close to. So, they allowed to send her with me for my wor-"

He stopped abrubtly, his eyes slightly widened. He was going to spill something important. I just know it.

"Wor? What wor?", I urged him.

"What wor?" He repeated my question.

Oh, I know that game clearly, Nic. You try to act innocent and make me forget my question. So, I gave a 'I'll send you to hell, if you don't answer' look.

"Wor......ries! My worries. To decrease my worries. Right", he said quickly.

I looked at him suscpiciously, unsure whether to believe or not.

I just noticed that he had already stopped the car, as the door of my house flew open and my mother came running out.

When she saw me, she sighed."Los, you're safe. Thank god. I'm so sorry! Scarlett called me at the last moment but well, it seems I was too late. It's the first time you were out alone. I was so worried. I'll-Who are you?", she squinted her eyes at Niccolo.

"Mom, this is Niccolo. Niccolo, mom."

Niccolo smiled. "Hello, Mrs. Stewart"

I secretly smiled. My mom's always wanted to meet an Italian because we haven't stayed in Italy yet.

My mom's eyes widened and she turned to me. "Is he....?"

"Yes, mom. He's Italian.", I replied happily.

Mom suddenly squealed. "Oh Niccolo dear. It's such a pleasure to meet you. Let's go in."

Niccolo raised his eyebrows at mom's sudden change of behaviour. I just shrugged nonchalantly and went in.


Got 3 votes.......obviously my idea didn't work but well, I've stayed away from wattpad for 10 days! I might use the vote-and-I'll-upload-quicker thing like last time in some chapters but keep voting.

Q-Am I making this story slow and boring or should I finish it right away?

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