Chapter 28

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"No offence, but your guardian is a psycho.", I whispered to Nic.

"None taken. I'm starting to agree with that now.", he whispered back.

Gabriel shot us an annoyed look then turned to Zack. "Let's get this over with. I'm starting to find Romeo and Juliet a bit annoying here."

"Look who's talking.", Zack muttered in a low voice but nevertheless, nodded.

Gabriel suddenly turned towards us with an excited grin and rubbed his palms together. Bipolar, I say.

"Now don't flatter yourself thinking I planned some extravaganza death for you two.", he giggled. Seriously. He giggled! "It's just that I'm waiting for a special guest."

A man suddenly burst through the doors. "She's not there, sir!"

"What do you mean she's not there?", he demanded.

The colour drained from the man's face. "Uh, S-some people f-from the cell told us t-that she ran away.", he stammered, cringing at the last.

I was horrified by what Gabriel did next. He pulled out a knife from his boot and shot it at the man's foot at an alarming speed. Nic slid an arm around my waist and pulled me away from Gabriel, who was inches away from me.

The man bit his lip as his face scrunched up in pain.

"Don't ever stutter!", he roared. "And find her before my knife finds your throat to slit."

"No need for that, Gabriel.", a familiar feminine voice came from behind. That lady who slipped into my room that time. The one who saw a daughter in me or something like that.

"Ah Anne! There you are! I thought you were going to miss the ceremony.", he exclaimed.

Something was nagging at the back of my mind. My eyes caught on a particular object.

Mom had many letters collected in her cabinet. I never took notice of it but I remember now. Every year on my birthday, I got a letter. All that was on those letters were stories. Those fancy disney stories that always had a happy ending. People say I'm very optimistic and I think that's because of them.

I remember asking mom who it was from but she said it was from a friend of hers. I got the name from the bottom of those letters.

When I was ten though, I had gotten a half of a heart. It was gold. Pure gold, I know now after years of staying with mom. My mother is a fan of gold accessories.

There was an 'R' engraved upon it but even a part of that was broken. The slanted line of the 'R' was cut off and I didn't ever find out what was on the other half of it.

Now I did.

My eyes trained on it as I moved closer. Wordlessly, I slipped my hand into my pocket and curled it around the gold piece. Actually, it had become my lucky charm since that day.

I had grabbed it and pecked on it before my every good exams. I had tripped and fallen down everytime I left it at home. Probably just my illusion but it just has that feeling, you know?

I hadn't shown it to anyone. It was something that was mine and is mine only.

So how...?

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