Chapter 16

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Okay..........So Suddenly Complicated is not getting much votes or any comments criticizing about the story, so, I'll upload after 15 this chapter gets votes, the days left for uploading gets shorter. For example, if this chapter gets 5 votes, I'll upload after: 15-5=10, so I'll upload after 10 days..........get it? And oh, about the comments, I can share some commenter's story here? And fan? Well, I'll just dedicate the upcoming chapters to them. Simple. Now, I don't know if that will work but no hurt in trying. Enjoy the last chapter without wait!!!


"Put this one, too."

"Oh, and you'll need this one." Am threw the shirt to me, which hit my face when I was staring at my overloaded suitcase. I scowled but continued staring as my mother stuffed another dress inside the suitcase. 

"Mom! Put this one, too. And this bag! It's so stylish that you've got to take it everywhere.", Am said, as she began bouncing up and down with the purple Louis Vuitton bag. Seriously. It seems like she's going on the trip instead of me.

Mom nodded, approvingly. "True. You need some sweaters also. It might be cold.", she said as she  kept all the sweaters I had, which might be twelve, in the suitcase.

I gave her a flat look. "Mom. You just said it is hot there right now and packed all my summer dresses and skirts and sleeveless tops. All."

"Hey I can't be always correct and when I say it is going to be hot, you shouldn't be so sure. And anyways, prevention is better than cure, isn't it?"

I heaved a sigh and shook my head. I'll just leave my argument there. One thing you should know, never argue with your mother because she always wins.

"Sis, did you put those pumps that mom gave you last year?"

My sister. Sure she knows more about fashion than I do, but she shouldn't be all about it. Right now, every shoes inside that stuffy suitcase are heels. No converses or any other comfortable shoes. That would be hell for me.

"No and I'm not planning to.", I simply said.

Am and mom gasped. "How could you not?", they said, simultaneously. How can they be so alike?

"I don't need those. As far as I know, there wouldn't be places to wear those heels.", I defended.

"Well, as far as you know? Well, since you don't know anything at all, I think you should keep those pumps."

I gaped at my mother. How could she say that? I scowled at her and snatched the pumps from my sister's hands. This is only for now, pumps, later after these two fashionistas go, I'll take you out myself and put you in a place where you belong. Buhahaha.

"Whatcha thinking, sis?", Am cut off my sweet daydreams.

"Nothing." I sighed and went to my wardrobe to see if there was anything left. Nope. Nothing.

"And..........there. You. Go", my sis said as she sat on the third suitcase, trying to close the zippers. I just laughed at her but my laugh cut short when she really did close the suitcase with a smug look on her face.

{ People, read the author's note, too, at the beginning if you haven't read.}

"Finally! The last day before Italy. Can you not be excited? I guess not. Yay!", Scarlett shouted from across the cafeteria. Brendon trailed behind and I chuckled when I saw the look on his face. His face matched my bored face.

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