Chapter 20

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I woke up, startled, to a loud sound. After a few moments of clearing out my sleepiness, I realized it was the sound of someone banging on the door from the other side. For a moment I just stared at my bed, wondering if I could just ignore the sound and go back to sleep but gave up that idea as the banging got louder.

Jeez, who's it that forces someone to be up at..............I looked at my clock for the time. What I saw was enough to make me jump out of my bed.

It was already 6:30! I had to reach school at 7:45 for the trip. Shower, breakfast, No wonder mom was banging on the door from outside.

But when I opened the door, I found out that it wasn't mom but Amelie who was knocking. She was looking behind her so she didn't see me opening and was ready to knock right on my face when I spoke.

"Whoa Am! What the hell are you doing?"

She looked back at me, her face confused but worried. "Los, Niccolo is here."

My face immediately brightened up. "That's great! Um, well, I mean, uh maybe he came to pick me up so-"

I stopped when I heard shouting coming from downstairs. It was definitely mom.

I ran down the stairs, with Am following behind. Sure enough it was mom shouting at Niccolo in the living room. Dad was trying to comfort mom but obviously it didn't work since mom was still shouting. 

"Get out from here! Until she knows the truth I'll make it my duty to keep her safe. And with you she'd never be safe.", mom shouted at Niccolo. She must be really angry because she rarely shouts so loud.

Niccolo just kept standing, his face calm and expressionless. It was really scary to see that expression again. Last time it was when he thought I killed his family. Could he be back to blame the murder, this time on my family? No, it couldn't be.

"Honey, calm down. He might not be as bad as you think-"

Mom scoffed. "Not bad as I think? Everyone related to that bloody Michael is bad! They're monsters, don't you get it?! After all that happened to Caroline! I couldn't save her but I'll save her-my daughter. I promised."

"Mrs. Stewart, as much as I'd like to respect you, I cannot stand the insult you're giving to my guardian. All you're thinking about him is wrong.", Nic calmly said.

So, my mom was insuling Nic's guardian. How did mom even know about his guardian?

"He'd never be good even if he was given numerous chances. You've been fooled, boy. I suppose you're one of his little demons that he's using to lure in my daughter, aren't you?", mom sneered. 

I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Mom! What the hell has happened to you? What are you talking about? You don't know Nic well enough, you have no right to say that!"

Everything fell silent as everyone stared at me, surprised. Dad was the first to recover from surprise.

"Los, you shouldn't be here! Go to your room and get ready. I'll drop you."

I looked at my dad incredulously. Such a situation is happening and he thinks I care about that silly trip!

Before I could answer, Niccolo stormed out of the house. Stunned, I decided to quickly get to my room. I had a feeling that talking with mom and dad will not make me feel better.

"Los!", my mom called after me but I ignored it. 

I was scared. Scared that everything will change because it is obvious that everything that happened down there was related to me in some way. I picked a pair of ripped jeans and a hollister t-shirt and was ready to go for a shower when my cell phone rang. With a sigh, I picked up my phone.

"Hello?", I answered the phone unenthusiastically.

"Los, is that you? Are you crying?", Zack asked with concern.

Only then I realized that indeed I was crying. I'm so emotional! But it really felt like I was being torn when my parents and Nic were fighting. What if soon I'd have to choose between them? I like Nic, might even love, but my parents have always been there for me so I can't leave them. I thought they would get along really well but here they are fighting about something serious, which is about me but they don't want me to know! It's frustating that just when I thought I sorted everything out, things just jumble up probably saying 'Oh look, Losaine is happy. Let's jumble up her life and make her sad again!'

But obviously I won't tell that to my not-so-boyfriend-like boyfriend.

"No, I'm not. What's up?" 

I know I should be upset that he hadn't tried to contact me for so many days but I'm not. Not angry nor upset but happy that he was not interfering when I spent time with Nic. 

Nic. I have no idea what happened to him but I do know that I won't let him go again. I've got to talk to him.

"Los, did you hear what I just said?"

Oops. I had no idea what he just said.

"You spaced out, didn't you?"

"Yeah, sorry..", I answered sheepishly.

"No worries. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I'm coming to pick you up at 7:15, kay? So be ready!"

"Yeah b-"

The line went dead. Why was he so enthusiastic! Well, atleast if he was picking me up then that means I don't have to sit in the car with my dad. And also I doubt Niccolo will come pick me up after what just happened.....

I'd got just half an hour so, I ran into the bathroom.

After twenty minutes I was ready. I was still in my room and planning to stay here until Zack comes. And besides, I needed to clear my mind. I wanted to enjoy this trip, not ponder over something secretive like why was my mom shouting at Nic. No matter how much I think, my brain only gives out stupid reasons.

Like, maybe Nic's guardian was a vampire and that's why he was dangerous. Or maybe Nic insulted mom's cooking and in return, mom decided to insult Nic's guardian?  Trust me, the last time my mom was so angry, it was because I said her cooking needs improvement. Her cooking is, of course, better than mine but her dressing sense is more praised than her cooking.

My cell phone lit up, showing that I had a new message. I picked up my cell phone and found that it was from Zack informing me that he was here.

First suitcase?


Duffel bag?


Second suitcase?


Makeup bag within duffel bag?


Full happy and enjoyable mind?


One thing not checked but that'll have to do. C'mon Los, lets go, forget everything and have fun!!


Hey readers, if you haven't read my other stories, please take some time out of your schedules and check it out! 

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