Chapter 25 part two

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Niccolo's POV

So he chose the same place, I thought as I stared at the old familiar house infront of me.

It was the place where Zack and I used to play everytime. The same place where he asked me if I had helped destroy his father's property. The same place where I had to tell him the truth and see my first friend leave me. The same place that changed both of our lives. 

Our lives take so many turns. Really.

How could I forget this place? Every sweet memory that I'll ever remember is connected to this place. Man, can I even look at this house without remembering all my bitter past? What wouldn't I do to start a new life with Los.

Losaine!, I thought as I raced inside, Shoot, she's still inside! I swear this girl is turning me all crappy and emotional type.

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.

The wallpapers were all torn and peeling off. As I tried to put some back on the wall, the old memories made me smile.

"Admiring what, Nick? Your smell of betrayal?"

I gritted my teeth, hearing his voice. I knew I had to deal with this but I wasn't expecting this soon!

I turned to face him and scoffed. "Oh trust me man, your stench is much more stinkier. Now, where's Losaine?"

He faked a pout. "Aw, what? No hello? I was planning on having a fight greeting, what do you say?"

"No. I won't do anything to you,Zack. Just give me Losaine and we'll never meet again."

He laughed with no humor. "And give away a chance to kick your butt? No thanks. Now, let's see who's gotten better."

Before I could say anything, he landed a blow to my jaw. Damn, he has gotten better.

I swiftly dodged as I saw another punch coming my way. Oh this fight's going to be a difficult one!

Losaine's POV

I heard a door opening. Is that the door of heaven? I hope it's not hell, because only sinners go there and playing pranks is not a sin, right?

You can just guess how miserable I was. Wasn't babbling incoherently to myself a sign of insanity? It had been long since I ate. Everytime someone came into my room, they say and I quote " Giving food to the soon-to-be dead people is of no use."

I'd be lying is I said I wasn't afraid. I don't know what that Gabriel has planned but that odd glint in his eyes just makes me shiver with fear.

I sat straight as I heard the door opening. Gabriel came in with an impatient look. He sure gets bipolar.

"Stand up. It's time. Others are nowhere to be found and I have to escort her myself." He grumbled the last part to himself.

I stood up without protesting. This room was like a black hole. So of course when someone would come to take me out, I would happily accept it. Besides, I can't do much planning of escape in that room.

I quietly followed him out, anxiously looking down the hallways. This place was bigger that what I first thought.

Gabriel took out his cell phone and dialed a number. Probably Zack or any of his evil guys.

The place was really silent. It looked like a hospital, clean and all white. It seemed like no one, beside us, was in the building. It looked so peaceful. Everything was so white that it was mesmerizing. There was only one word to describe this place.


I was startled when Gabriel threw his phone with a frustated look. He threw his freaking phone! Maybe he was very rich but that was such an expensive phone.

"Why aren't they picking up!?", he growled before turning to me, "This is all your fault!"

I didn't get a chance to snap back at him because we both heard something breaking. Gabriel cursed and hurried along the hallway. I just walked slowly because he was a plump man and his run was equal to my walk.

A door came into view when we turned another corner and another crash was heard. Was that a wrestling room or something? Though when someone started shouting, I recognised that voice immediately.

I hurried and reached the door before Gabriel. My suspicion was confirmed when I opened the door. I didn't know whether I should be happy or sad.


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